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ETUG Community Survey

Group of three people at a conference talking informally

ETUG is pleased to release the results of the 2018-19 ETUG Community Survey.

Download the full report (18 pages PDF)
Conducted between December 2018-January 2019, the ETUG Community Survey is designed to give the ETUG Stewardship Committee (SCETUG) information about the organization to make better decisions around current and future ETUG initiatives.
The anonymous survey consisted of both qualitative and quantitative questions. There were 65 completed survey and 35 partially completed surveys for a total of 100 responses from 23 public post-secondary institutions in BC.
The survey asked respondents for their thoughts in three major areas:

  1. The influence and impact that ETUG has on their own work and/or professional development;
  2. How they view the organizational structure of ETUG, and;
  3. What Education Technologies are in use at their institutions, and what are going to be important at their institution in the coming year?

Major Findings

  • 49% of respondents identified that connecting with peers was the primary benefit of belonging to ETUG, while 28% choose learning about educational technologies, and 13% noted that learning about teaching & learning were the largest benefits.
  • 91% of respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that ETUG is a community supporting all post-secondary educators and staff interested in teaching, learning and technology and is not necessarily exclusive to those who have education technology within their formalized job description.
  • 83% of respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that ETUG is a provincial leader in education technology.
  • 88% Strongly Agree or Agree that ETUG is an organization that introduces them to innovative educational technologies and practices.
  • 81% of respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that ETUG is a good place to find peer support.
  • 98% of respondents Strongly Agree or Agree that ETUG is a community where they learn from their peers.

EdTech use in the province

In addition to questions about ETUG, the survey also asked respondents to identify what Educational Technologies were in use at their institutions, and what Education Technologies are going to be important in their institutions within the next year. The infographic below summarizes the responses we received from the community.

Download a PDF version of this infographic (1MB)  or a copy of the full 2018-19 ETUG Community Survey (18 pages, PDF)