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[Fall Workshop 2012] Summary Feedback

The ETUG Fall workshop 2012  “Learning Spaces, Spaces to Learn” was held on Friday November 2nd. Approximately 80 people participated in the workshop held at BCIT downtown.  It was a very full day of great sessions! We’ll have more information to share soon, as some summary posts with the facilitator resources, recordings and our learnings are underway.
As is our practice of sharing member feedback, the following is a summary of responses from the workshop participants this year. We know things don’t always go smoothly; at times we may mess up on some detail, but our hope is to always strive to do better for our fabulous ETUG members. So keep your ideas and comments coming! And if there is something you’d like to suggest about our workshops or other ETUG activities go the the survey form or [see etug.ca for contact info]/.  Hope to see you in the Spring!

Summary of Responses.

See the complete responses.

How many years have you attended ETUG workshops?
This was my first year 7 37%
2 years 2 11%
3 years 2 11%
4 years 0 0%
5+ years 8 42%
I’ve attended ALL of them! I am an ETUGGER for Life! 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What did you think of the theme for this workshop “Learning Spaces, Spaces to Learn”?
It was great. Just what I was looking for. 12 63%
It was alright. 7 37%
The theme didn’t interest me. 0 0%
Not my thing. 0 0%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
On average, were the sessions too short, too long or the right length?
Too long. 0 0%
Too short. 0 0%
Just right. 19 100%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
What was your favourite session and why?
I have two favourites: 1. Paul’s session. Well presented, lots of interesting resources shared. Very current material. 2. The session on identify. Very thought-provoking. I liked the session on interface design (first session of the day) because I learned a lot from it. I also like the session on 3D panoramas (since I was one of the presenters I have to say that :-).the one with Brian Lamb in the afternoon. I’m really interested to hear about what’s happening with open approaches to educationVirtual Learning Environments at Thompson Rivers University… i liked the live show ‘n tell-ness …
Please provide a comment or two on the workshop sessions? What stood out for you? What could be improved?
Some of the sessions were more interactive than others. The more interaction we can have, the better. The mooc panel was fun and informative.nice variety in the topics this year we need lots of direction when we are assigned to ‘discuss’ something the panel in the afternoon was interesting networking opportunities are always great i miss the institutional updates!i liked them all. Overall the sessions were very interesting, although specific sessions on LMS systems were not needed for us since we already have a system we are working with. The use of the Etherpad was new to me and I liked…
What did you think of the venue?
I really liked it. Central location, open space. It was great – I like the one-room format for the smaller fall workshops.it’s good, great location, the room is ok toogreat! love the round tables.. and windows!Very nice view and relatively easy to find.Terrific!Nice and bright. Would have appreciated some info on where the washrooms were, which food table was ours, etc. Also, dishes just sort of piled up on the table. Nobody seemed to know what to do with them. Also, the toilets didn’t flush properly, which is rather annoying 🙂 It was a great location – easy to get to and comfortable.Ver…
What could we have done better to improve your experience of the workshop?
I’m not normally one to complain about food (a pet peeve of mine in learner feedback, to be honest) but the food was pretty horrible. While there was a range of choices, the food didn’t seem overly fresh.Could have used some fresh fruit in the morning. I’m not much of a pastry guy.nothing reallyEase of access to the wireless was lacking. I had colleagues who had difficulty connecting their devices.Serve the fruit w/ the lunch, please!I like my coffee out of real cups. More interactive stuff (in person) It would have been great if you had sent the links to the writeboard activities out…
What did you think of the food at the workshop?
Yummy! 12 63%
It was alright. 5 26%
The food could have used some help. 3 16%
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
For 2012-13, what sort of activities would you like see from ETUG? And if you have specific ideas would you be willing to take a lead or lend a hand? If so, include your name below or [see etug.ca for contact info]/.
No specific ideas, although I’m always interested in seeing what technology other schools are experimenting with. I’m happy to lend a hand with anything: bbyrne@tru.caMore interactive sessions (doing instead of seeing) would have been great, although I understand it is very difficult to do that given time restrictions and hardware / software limitations.More hands on sessions. Bit more playing with tools and experimenting with tech.
If you attended the pub night at the St. Regis and have some feedback for us, please let us know your thoughts.
Wow, was that room ever hot! It was nice to have our own room (more or less).it was great! good venue, good food. Not TOO noisyit was good… too hot though… and i think a venue with standup tables would be better… would encourage more mingling.It was unclear that the event was in the private area, and once we found the area it was overwhelmingly loud. Although the night started alright, we didn’t get a chance to meet many people.NIce to see some familiar faces.I would have appreciated more info about what was involved. I didn’t realize it was pay-for-your own. That’s not a huge issue…
For the Spring Workshop in June 2013 at SFU Burnaby, what theme(s), topics or applied/”hands-on” sessions would you like to see?
badges. At least one session on some type of media. Something to do with flying under the radar in order to get something done where a project plan is not the first thing you need to create to start a project.Like to see a hands on session on authoring etext since this will probably be a big deal for edtechies in BC in the near future.I’d be interesting in seeing and hearing about how other institutions are doing experiential, applied, and community based learningMore sessions on how mobile learning is being built in to the student learning experience and how instructional designers and…
Please use this space to give us ANY feedback about the Fall Workshop “Learning Spaces, Spaces to Learn”. We really want to hear from you!
I love the low cost of these workshops and consider them a real find!  A great service to the learning community. it’s all good! thanksgreat event! Well organized, well run and well received! Nice work again SCETUG. We have a really great community. Always really enjoy attending ETUG.It’s always a great day and impeccably organized. Thanks so much. Excellent work by the program committee!

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