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[Fall Workshop 2010] Information

This was our Call for Presenters and description of our program theme. Here is workshop schedule .  Go to our Crowdvine site etugfall10.crowdvine.com for resources and recordings.
It takes a network to support an educator. We struggle along in our departmental and institutional silos but—think about how much more effective we are when we better understand each other’s perspectives. When we work together, with those both inside and outside our fields of practice, it’s amazing what we can do. We are stronger when we collaborate, so let’s stop tugging and start bridging!!
This fall’s ETUG event invites faculty, staff and students to tackle one or more of the following questions on the theme “Stop Tugging and Start Bridging”. Preference will be given to those proposals which involve a team of 2 or more presenters:

  • Bridging with ed tech: How are you using technology to build bridges and collaborate? What tools? What methods? What purposes?
  • Personal journeys: a) How has sharing made your life better? What single tool has most impacted your practice or enabled you to share ideas, innovations, and educational resources? or b) How have you gone from tugging to bridging? Any juicy stories to share? e.g., how was it when you joined Twitter?
  • How do we build better bridges between educational technologists, instructional designers, teachers, technicians and students?
  • What bridges currently exist between scholarship, teaching and technology? How are these changing?
  • A world in which everybody does their own thing is chaos.  BUT – how do we communicate without overwhelming our colleagues? How do we build sustainable and effective collaborations? How do we strengthen connections and support communities?
  • Are you involved in one of the excellent, fruitful collaborations already working in BC?  e.g. transfer credit between institutions (BCCAT), academic degree partnerships, or collaborations arising from BCcampus’s Online Professional Development Fund (OPDF)

Presentation Formats:
Suggested formats include:

  • Case study – Present a case study involving a collaboration which tackles a technology challenge in education. Invite views from a variety of perspectives.
  • Thinking Session – Facilitate a thinking session in which you ask participants to brainstorm about gaps that need to be bridged between educational fields of practice.
  • Demo – Demonstrate a project that you feel clearly shows a connection between technology and education, between technology and instructional design, between diverse fields of practice.  Share what you feel worked well in the project and what didn’t.  Ask participants for feedback.
  • Other – we invite your suggestion for a session format e.g. such as Pecha Kucha

Additional information:

The ETUG Fall workshop will be held at the Inn at the Quay, New Westminster on Thursday November 4th, 2010 from 9 am – 4 pm.  Our one day single stream program will allow for 4 to 5 sessions (approximately 50 minutes per session). Our anticipated number of participants is 120. We promote a session design that is interactive and provides opportunities for questions and discussion. With this in mind, the room will be setup with round tables in groupings  of 6-8 people. Wireless access to the internet will be available.
Expenses for Presenters at ETUG

BCcampus/ETUG will be pleased to cover the cost for registration for presenters at the workshop and the cost for travel and accommodation for BC-based presenters who live outside of the Greater Vancouver area.
We welcome your proposals. The deadline for submissions is Friday October 1st. If you have any questions or require some assistance, please contact leva.lee@bccampus.ca

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