[Spring Workshop 2011] Photos
ETUG Spring Workshop Open4Learning Selkirk College, Nelson BC June 2 &3, 2011 Open4Learning Keynote Alan Levine Mining the Copyright Minefield Martha Rans, …
Open4Learning Keynote Session: Alan Levine Videos for 2011 Spring Workshop Sessions Yes It Scales Free and Open Digital Tools for the Modern …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwbphH9XMCQ For this year’s ETUG workshop in Nelson the skookum (look it up) organizing committee did a call for videos discussing the Value of Openness. The submissions, from happy mutants all over the network, were fantastic. The complete finished version (about 30 minutes long) is well worth the watch (I can’t find the embed code, […]
This is a video of Alan Levine’s keynote “Amazing Stories of Openness” at the ETUG Spring 2011 Open4Learning workshop held at Selkirk …
I’m heading to Nelson, BC tomorrow for the annual ETUG Spring Workshop. I’m excited about this event for a number of reasons — too many to list so I’ll start with a few.I really like the theme Open4Learning (I mentioned earlier how the theme came abou…
The next etug conference (Nelson, Jun 2-3) is shaping up to be another great event, judging from the great ideas flowing at our last planning meeting.
In addition to all things OPEN, we are inviting presenters to take on all things “alternative” (e.g., alternative assignment/assessment strategies, technologies, approaches to our work in teaching and learning) – […]