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2015 ETUG Top 5 Survey Results

ETUG_surveyHere are the results to the ETUG survey on identifying the Top 5 educational issues and trends for post secondary. (With acknowledgement to Educause and their work on content anchors for getting us thinking about doing this!)
The data is summarized from 84 responses to our survey http://etug-archive.bccampus.ca//2014/11/27/etug-survey-whats-your-top-5/
Listed below are the results showing the percentage the issue or trend was selected from the most chosen to least chosen of topics from our pick-list.

1. Academic Transformation: disruptive technologies, breakthrough teaching and learning models, innovative organizational and inter-institutional alliances, learning organization, design thinking, etc. 58%
2. Faculty Development: rewards, incentives for participation, sharing innovation/best practices, supporting course re-design, effective uses of learning technologies, models of support, etc. 57%
3. Online and Blended Teaching and Learning: student engagement, retention strategies, quality assurance, evaluation of impact, business models, innovative course models, strategy behind online/blended learning, MOOCs, etc. 50%
4. Assessment of Learning: competency based learning, badging, micro-credentialing, measuring student outcomes, etc. 46%
5. Evaluating Technology-based Instructional Innovations: analysis techniques, evaluation of project design, using results to change campus practices, tools and methods to collect data, rubrics and evaluation criteria, etc. 36%
6. Accessibility: access to course content and activities, support services, facilities designs, faculty development and awareness, etc. 35%
7. Open Education: open textbooks, OER, Open content, policy, financial models, institutional licensing, etc. 35%
8. Working with Emerging Technology: methods for piloting, transformation of academic practices, breakthrough models of innovation, wearables, the diffusion of innovative practices, etc. 35%
9. Learning-Space Designs: active learning classrooms, maker spaces, 3d visualization, immersive environments, informal learning spaces, standards, furnishings, lecture capture systems, support services, etc. 31%
10. Mobile Learning: mobile projection, enhancing student interaction, course designs incorporating mobile functionality, BYOD issues, app development, privacy and ethical issues, etc. 27%
11. Digital and Information Literacies: new technology skills development, innovative literacy services, collaboration skill, etc. 24%
12. Social Media for Teaching and Learning: FIPA, FOIPOP, integration with LMS, policies, cloud or campus-based services, etc. 23%
13. LMS Services: integration with 3rd party applications, interoperability standards, LMS migration projects, cloud vs. local hosting issues faculty development, student support, etc. 18%
14. Learning Analytics: integrated planning and advising services, adaptive learning technology, intelligent tutoring, ethics and privacy issues, intervention strategies, data warehousing and integration, etc. 17%
15. Games and Gamification for Supporting Learning: simulations, alternate reality games, massively multi-player online games, virtual worlds, etc. 15%
16. Other:

  • Breaking down the barriers between the classroom and community, meeting community needs through innovation, scholarship of teaching and learning, student research, service learning
  • Effective group work and group research and publication
  • Students as producers/students as consumers
  • Use of technology by students for academic dishonesty
  • Privacy issues
  • Integration /use of elearning platforms (ie Captivate, Lectora)
  • Funding
  • Experiential Learning

Participating Institutions

  1. British Columbia Institute of Technology
  2. Carleton University
  3. College of the Rockies
  4. Emily Carr
  5. Independent consultant
  6. Justice Institute of British Columbia
  7. Northwest Community College
  8. Royal Roads University
  9. Selkirk College
  10. Simon Fraser University
  11. Thompson Rivers University
  12. University of the Fraser Valley
  13. University of British Columbia
  14. University of British Columbia – Okanagan
  15. University of Victoria
  16. Vancouver Community College
  17. Vancouver Island University