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[Member Profile] Meet Meredith Stewart from Langara College

Contributed by Julian Prior, Langara College.
Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do. 
I am a Program Coordinator at Langara College in the Continuing Studies department; one is Custom and Corporate Training (customized for external clients) and the other is the Professional Sales Certificate program, which is delivered 100% online. I work on the back end of the online courses to make sure that everything is running smoothly and that the students and instructor have what they need to be successful.
How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and/or ed technology? 
I taught in person for about 4 years, before I switched to teaching and administering programs online, which I’ve been doing for about 3 years.
What’s one thing you really love about the work you do? 
I love seeing how many barriers to access can be broken by using educational technology.
How long have you been a member of ETUG? 
Since June 2015.
What do you like best about this community and its activities? 
I love how unpretentious this group is. There are some really accomplished professionals among us, but I feel that there is a real appreciation for what everyone brings to the table.
Do you have a favourite ETUG memory? 
I remember feeling that I had found the right professional community in the Fall 2015 session when I heard the presentation on engaging students in OERs. It was such a tangible expression of ETUG’s values and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.
What would you like ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide? 
More information about career options or maybe some career mentoring in the field of edtech.
Do you have any special interests/hobbies? 
I’m a big fan of MOOCs!
Anything special you want to ask or share with members?
I’ll be wrapping up my contract at Langara soon and moving to the Sunshine Coast to start my next career adventure. Feel free to connect with me if your department is looking for outside consultation on online educational materials, especially in the realm of newcomer and international student accessibility. I can be contacted via LinkedIn: