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[Spring Workshop 2011] Preparing for the ETUG Spring Workshop

I’m heading to Nelson, BC tomorrow for the annual ETUG Spring Workshop. I’m excited about this event for a number of reasons — too many to list so I’ll start with a few.

  1. I really like the theme Open4Learning (I mentioned earlier how the theme came about). I’ve been organizing and facilitating open learning activities for learning professionals since the first graphical web browser became available, and in my work with faculty over the years I have always encouraged open sharing and collaboration. Some people are more willing to open up their learning opportunities than others, but we’ve sure made a lot of progress in recent years!
  2. I’m in touch with ETUG members on a regular basis, but I rarely get to see folks in person. I really enjoy the energy, enthusiasm, and belly laughs at these events.
  3. A few of us are planning to do some graphic recording. Michelle Laurie and Rachael Roussin are driving up from Rossland to record Alan Levine‘s keynote with me. Plus we’ll be recording Scott Leslie and David Porter‘s session on Open Educational Resources. For other sessions I plan to provide the paper and supplies, and hope others will decide to pick up a marker.
  4. We get t-shirts! I just hope they’re bigger than the ones we got last year. I gave that one to my teddy bear.
  5. The workshop is in Nelson, a very special part of the world.

After the Northern Voice conference (my blog about that is still in the draft folder!) I was hoping we would do something with QR codes, like use them for posting session descriptions, schedules, or maps. I don’t think that’s happening so I decided to generate my own to slide into my lanyard. Following Grant Potter‘s suggestion, it points to my profile in the ETUG community.

My session on Friday is called Facilitating in the Open, a title I’d like to use for a book on the same topic if I ever get around to it, and if you’re interested in that topic please get in touch. The ETUG workshop program refers to my session as a “presentation” and to me as a “presenter”. Everything but! This is one of my peeves about conference lingo.
Here’s the description:

The increase in opportunities to participate in open, online workshops, courses, and events, calls for a unique set of skills and considerations for facilitators. What are the implications of open invitations? How do you design for the unknown? How do you plan for the unexpected? What facilitation strategies do you toss out the window? How does the facilitator’s role change? How do you spread the word? What do you need in your toolkit? That’s a lot of question! During this session we will look at examples of open, online learning activities (MOOCS, webinars, seminars, twitter chats…), collect our experiences as participants and facilitators, and work toward a new set of guiding principles to assist those who will be facilitating in the open in the future.

In the spirit of openness we’ll be streaming and recording ETUG workshop sessions.