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JIBC DemoFest

There is so much amazing work being done at JIBC incorporating educational technology so they’re hosting another JIBC DemoFest! See dozens of ed tech projects and network with their faculty and staff. You’ll get some great ideas that you can apply to your work and get a chance to vote on your favourite projects.

demofest-posterHere’s what you need to know:

When: Wednesday December 3, 2014, 10am – 11:30am
Where: JIBC New Westminister campus, 715 McBride Boulevard, New Westminster
Program: The Event Kick-off will take place at 10am in the Theatre: Come to collect your DemoFest Guide and see highlights of each project. Then the DemoFest activities will take place in three locations:

  • Main Floor Atrium
  • C133 – the videoconferencing room
  • C227 – the “Classroom of the Future”

How it works:

Each project is assigned to one of the following categories:

  • Simulations
  • Mobile Learning
  • Open courses/materials
  • Emerging technologies
  • Blended learning
  • Video conferencing
  • Evaluation practices
  • Demonstrators will sit at breakout tables located throughout the atrium and in C133 and C227 with their laptop or other device to display their work.
  • Attendees will have a map showing them where projects are located.
  • Attendees wander from table-to-table and room-to-room to see and discuss projects they are interested in.
  • Voting boxes will be available for attendees to drop their voting tickets into to recognize their favourite demonstrations.

Questions? Contact telt@jibc.ca