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Meet David Try from Northwest Community College

David Try

This post contributed by Janine Hirtz, UBC-O and member of SCETUG.
David Try is the coordinator of business administration at Northwest Community College at the Terrace Campus.  He attended his first ETUG in the spring of 2012 and is now the newest member of our ETUG steering committee.
Asked about the benefits and value of being a member of ETUC, David says that:
“As a small northern college, we have no course designers or even collective experience with online education.  My interest is in broadcasting live, (& recorded), paperless lectures which can reach the single student in Haida Gwaii!  The opportunity to spend time with more experienced people is wonderful”.
David says one of his goals is to figure out how to deliver excellence (as compared to education) to the thousands of potential students who can’t come to the classroom (in the north, but this is far from a ‘northern’ issue).  His interests (perhaps self-servingly!) focus on the live or recorded instructor providing value-added to the text and other written material).
David says “travel is expensive for us ETUG Northerners as we are a long way away”, so our fellow ETUGGERS from up north appreciate our attention and sensitivity to this when we are planning conferences.
David confesses to being a full on academic addict as is evident in his impressive achievements and list of credentials as an academic.  He is also an innovator, and last year was an early adopter in the use of free textbooks for one of his courses at his campus.
David is a pianist!  Perhaps we will have a piano at an ETUG conference; would love the opportunity to hear him play.
A warm welcome to David, and we are so pleased to have him join our steering committee.

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