Online Events
A number of open, online events are presented every year for ETUG members and the general public. If you are interested in opening up online events to educators beyond the walls of your institution, or in hosting / facilitating an event [see for contact info]/ ([see for contact info]/).
Past Online Events
12 Apps in 2020

In past years we featured the 12 Apps of Christmas, with a new educational app presented each day over 12 business days in December. This year we want to present 12 Apps, one per month in 2020. Note – with the emergence of COVID 19, and the strain this has placed on all teaching and learning centres and educational technology sections, we are changing this to 12 Apps in 2020. If you have an idea for an app please contact Keith (keith | dot | webster | at | royalroads | dot | ca)
Fall 2019 | Include-Ed Webinar
We had five great session on Friday November 1 with a substantial number of participants from around BC. If you weren’t able to attend there are recordings of the sessions and links to the slides below.
- Paul Hibbitts – Student-Generated Assessment Questions: The Journey so Far
- Keith Webster – WordPress & ePortfolios
- Matt Stranach – Minding the Gap: Lessons Learned From a K-12 – Higher Ed Collaboration in STEAM
- Sally Stewart – Experiential Learning Tasks
- Ian Linkletter & Jason Toal – OpenETC
12 Apps of Christmas BC
The 12 Apps of Christmas BC is now over, but the fun remains! You can see all the lessons and explore at your leisure: For learnings from the organizers on how the first offering of this micro-learning unfolded…See this post.
Similar to the successful UK event, this fast, fun, microlearning opportunity is free, open, online and offered to you by BC post secondary educators for BC post secondary educators. All are welcome to register and participate.
Explore a new app each day. Starting December 1, 2016, we will unwrAPP a new app and tell you where to get it, how to use it, and some ideas of how it might be used for teaching and learning.
Each day will include a short challenge designed to give you a chance to test out the app. Leave a short review in the comments and we’ll enter your name in a draw for a cool prize (see conditions)! The more daily challenges you complete, the more opportunities you have to win
12 Apps for Christmas runs from December 1 – 16, 2016. Go to for info and to signup. Follow activity #12appsBC
T.E.L.L Tuesdays with ETUG Lunch n’ Learn Webinars
Many of us frequently develop workshops at our institutions. A lot of time and energy goes into the development of the workshop and the materials, but we might only present this material once or twice to members of our institution. This is your chance to RE-USE and share your workshop presentation with a wider community, the ETUG community. If you have a presentation or a workshop already developed and are interested in facilitating a Lunch n’ Learn or sharing resources you’ve developed get in touch through [see for contact info]/ or one of your campus ETUG reps.
- Three Streams: A Convergence of Indigenous, Digital, and Meaningful Storytelling
- [ETUG 25] National Indigenous Peoples' Day
- [ETUG 25] Celebrate good times, come on!
- [Spring Workshop 2011] Photos
- [Festival of Learning 2018] Update #4
- [Web Conference] Course Congruence: What's so important about Ducks?
- Opening up with Dr. Robin DeRosa
- [T.e.l.l. February Summary] What Is Open Pedagogy?
- [T.e.l.l. February] What Is Open Pedagogy?
- [T.e.l.l. Session Topics] Crowdsourcing Call for Ideas
These events were organized as a SCoPE – ETUG partnership.
2009 – 2010 Academic Year
Pimp Your Post: February 12 – 19, 2010
Facilitators: Tracy Roberts and Gina Bennett
Elluminate Live session & online discussion in SCoPE
2008 – 2009 Academic Year
Open Educational Resources: January 19 – February 8, 2009
Facilitator: Scott Leslie
Elluminate Live session & online discussion in SCoPE
Learning on the Edge: Exploring Our Boundaries: Nov 10-30, 2008
(follow on from ETUG fall workshop)
Facilitator: Laura Proctor
Online discussion in SCoPE
2007 – 2008 Academic Year
Rethinking Teaching in the Sciences: April 7-27, 2008
Facilitator: Gina Bennett
Online discussion in SCoPE
Intellectual Property: January 9 -29, 2008
Facilitator: Dan McGuire
Online discussion in SCoPE