ETUG Speaks
We’ve had a good (30) response to the ETUG member survey. Each question allowed multiple choices so the percentages will add up to more than 100.
Here’s what you said.
ETUGers are interested in continuing to learn and connect during this time when we are all so busy. Asynchronouos learning opportunities had the greatest draw, favoured by 86.2% of respondents, followed by asynchronous community and synchronous learning opportunites, both at 72.4%.
Only half of ETUGers polled wanted to learn aobut COVID 19 related topics. The leading subject areas were Edtech and ID issues with 86.2%; developments in technology at 75.9% and broader developments in post-secondary with 62.1%.
ETUG members like interaction in their online events (at least sometimes), with 69.0% favouring something creative and 65.5% liking a good Q & A session. 44.8% like to lurk. Some of these respondents also selected a favourite interaction type, so we should conclude that a significant number would prefer interaction to be optional in online sessions.
A series of single-topic webinars was the online format that received the most support at 79.3%. Single topc webinars (58.6%) and a half-day online conference (51.7%) also had support.
There is solid interest for online events throughout the coming year, with less enthusiasm for early Fall (55.2%) and greater enthusiasm for late Fall and December (69.0%).
Finally, on the question of coming back together for a face-to-face Spring workshop in 2021, support was split between members hoping to attend (51.7%) and those taking a wait-and-see approach (it depends = 48.3%). No respondents said they would rule out attending a Spring workshop.
There were also many insightful written-in responses that pointed to the creative thinking in our group.
Thanks to everyone who participated and all of you who continue to support post-secondary learning in BC during these trying times.