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[ETUG 25] Flashback Friday – 2013 + 2014

As ETUG celebrates 25 years, we are taking the opportunity every Friday to dig into our archives and celebrate our 25-year history. Today’s Flashback Friday continues back in time to the years 2013 and 2014.

It’s 2013!

In 2013, the ETUG Spring workshop featured the theme “Tell it on the Mountain” and was hosted at the beautiful SFU Burnaby campus. In the “ The Blissful Survival Rucksack for Engaged Online Learning” the delightful Nancy White introduced us to Liberating Structures.

At this Spring workshop, we played with the name badges and the idea of “badging” and earning stickers for performing tasks and recognizing contributions made to the workshop. Participants had a lot of fun earning stickers as described in the concept  we explained here in our ETUGBadgesGuidelines.

We had a pre-dinner posters and appies session with a particularly interesting booth provided by Tinkerine, a 3D printer studio/company, reflecting our community’s early interest in making. Here are some photos of the event and lots here as well.
In the Fall 2013, ETUG travelled to the island to Royal Roads University where the workshop “Royal Crossroads: Avenues for Quality” was hosted. The keynote was George Veletsianos who spoke about “Beyond effectiveness & efficiency: Learning that’s good for the soul”. Here’s a time-lapsed video of the live graphic recording of his keynote created by one of the graphic recording artists, Jason Toal and many photos the Fall 2013 workshop.

It’s 2014!

It’s 2014 and the Spring workshop is at Langara College for celebration of ETUG’s 20th anniversary. The theme is “20/20: Looking Back/Looking Forward”.

The keynote was Jentery Sayers who spoke about “Make: Not the Brand”. We celebrated ETUG’s anniversary with another cake and a game of “Ed Tech Jeopardy” graciously hosted again by the inimitable Paul Stacey. The workshop with it’s many great sessions and resulting resources ended with a light and entertaining note, muscially led by SFU’s Sarah Louise Turner and Janis McKenzie who enlisted other ETUGgers to compose the lyrics for a workshop summary, sung to the tune of “Take me out the Ballgame”. See these whimsical details in the workshop summary 
For the 2014 Fall workshop, we embarked on a new adventure with our experiment with the Unconference format. SCETUG decided it’s time to really take some risks to change things up and have more community involvement driving the content of workshop programming.
In trying an unconference format, we discovered, paradoxically, that there is much prep required to enable spontaneity.  We  worried if attendees would step up and share something, spontaneously. Well, ETUGgers indeed rose to the challenge and offered many interesting sessions.  The 2014 Fall Unconference finished with ETUG going graphic and there was a plenary session to learn the basics of drawing on walls led by Tracy Roberts and Jason Toal. As they say, go BIG or go home! Check out these photos! Read some of the comments about the Unconference experience by a few ETUG participants.

In 2013 and 2014, the SCETUG Chair was kele fleming. Here is her report of the year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 and a report done by kele fleming and Leva Lee on the SCETUG Planning day.