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[ETUG 25] Flashback Friday – 2005 + 2006

As ETUG celebrates 25 years, we are taking the opportunity every Friday to dig into our archives and celebrate our 25-year history. Today’s Flashback Friday continues back in time to the mid-2000s.
To kick off this week’s Flashback, ETUG Emeritus Paul Stacey offers some of his thoughts on the importance of ETUG within the BC post-secondary system.

It’s 2005….

Patrick O’Brien is the chair of SCETUG. The Spring workshop was held in Merritt at NVIT, and the Fall workshop was held at KPU in Richmond.
2005 saw the first attempt to develop an ETUG online community using a web-based community portal tool called The Learning Times.
The fall event would be the first time Mobile Learning appeared as a theme for an ETUG event, with June Anonson from the University of Saskatchewan appearing remotely to deliver a keynote on using PDA’s (remember those?) for Nursing Education, and Dr. Mohamed Ally from Athabasca University presenting on m-learning tools. Dr. Ally’s presentation was simultaneously delivered to the World Summit in Tunisia using Elluminate.
Three Innovation in Education Technology Awards were handed out:

  • Ron Evans, North Island College won for his work in developing remote astronomy labs
  • UBC’s Distributed Medical Education Team won the Leadership award for their work in establishing interactive video conferencing linking UBC Vancouver with the University of Victoria, and UNBC in Prince George.
  • Terri McAloney from Northwest Community College won the Support and Service award.

It’s 2006…

This year’s SCETUG chair is BCIT’s Bryan Fair. And new on the scene is Leva Lee, BCcampus’ new manager, a role previously held by Amanda Harby.
NIC campus and the King Fisher Resort made for a great island getaway event for ETUGgers in the spring of 2006. The theme of the workshop was “Open and On the Move” keynoted by Mark Schneider, journalist and a visiting professor at the time at the UBC School of Journalism. His keynote was “Cutting the Cord: Wireless Technology for Education” was prescient on the development of mobile communication, web-based crowdsourcing and the advent of “citizen journalism”.
The three-day spring event was workshop heavy, with hands-on sessions on social media, wikis, blogs, podcasting.
2006 Innovation Award Winners were:

  • David Still and Douglas College for “Still Talking”, an instructional DVD series that provides instruction for novice sign-language interpreters and development for professionals in the field. David was invited to present his project when he attended the Fall Workshop to receive his award. We arranged for someone to interpret his talk in sign language when he spoke. An ETUG first!
  • Leadership Award: Ron Bowles, Rob Chong, and Laurie McAvoy, JIBC for “The Virtual JIBC” a committee leading the collaborative approach to strategic planning and use of educational technology at the Institute.

In the Fall of 2006, the ETUG Workshop returned to a familiar location and was hosted at the BCIT Downtown campus. The theme at this workshop was “Tales from the Trenches” to recognize that one of the important functions of the ETUG community is to share not only the things that worked but those that flopped and what we learned from the experience. Session topics included: the BCIT TEK project; Podcasting: a mix of Infrastructure and Innovation?; Collaboration Connection, Confusion: It takes a village to run an online course; Cooperative Education Online: The Beauty and the Beast.

Pop Culture 2005/2006

Hot Technology Trends 2005/2006