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[ETUG 25] Flashback Friday – 2000

As ETUG celebrates 25 years, we are taking the opportunity every Friday to dig into our archives and celebrate our 25-year history. Today’s Flashback Friday heads back in time to the Year 2000!
As we partied to the end of days numbering 1999, we heralded the year 2000 with a huge sigh of relief, having survived all things Y2K . But the start of the new millennia was another harkening to yet more changes and experimentation for ETUGgers, always on the edge of ed tech experimentation. The Year 2000 Highlights include:

Pop Culture

  • Oscar Best Movie: American Beauty
  • Top-rated TV show: Survivor (Reality shows were just getting their start.)
  • Billboard Top song: Faith Hill’s Breathe

Hot Technology Topics

or, as experienced then, “Help us! Everything’s shrinking!”:

  • Mp3 and music sharing services like Napster
  • DVDs replacing VHS tapes!
  • Computing power in your hand – cell phones (For reference, see Infoplease.com)

New Chair, Workshops and Innovation Award Winners

In the year 2000, Cathy van Soest was the Chair of the Steering Committee for ETUG. The workshops on the theme of “Educational Technologies” were held at BCIT in the Spring and KPU in the Fall . The 2nd annual B.C. Innovation Awards in Educational Technology were given to the following winners:

  • John Nesbit and the Educational Technology and Learning Team, Bright and Shiny Award
  • Robin Krantz, the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Team and John Royer, Tried and True Award
  • Bruce Clarke, Hero of Support and Service Award


ETUG Emeritus and Chair of SCETUG 2001 and 2002, Irwin DeVries

See it on the BCcampus site