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[Feature Article] I have seen the LIGHT(board) technology at Douglas College!

Contributed by Hope Miller, Douglas College
Douglas College acquired a new piece of edtech a year ago called the Lightboard. But just what is a lightboard? Basically, it’s a piece of illuminated glass, on which instructors can write up their teaching/lecture notes–just as they would a whiteboard in a traditional classroom. The real magic comes into play with the video camera, which flips the instructor’s writing so it reads properly from left to right.
The other bonus about this technology is its ability for instructors to engage directly with their students. No longer must the instructor turn her back to the class to write on the board. With the Lightboard, she faces the camera, and thus directly speaks to her students.
Check out this video showcasing a couple of Douglas College instructors (Jennifer Kirkey and Lara Duke) talking about the benefits of this technology, as well as a student who was in a course that used Lightboard videos.

Lightboard Testimonial Video

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Lightboard (even taking a tour), please contact Hope Miller, millerh@douglascollege.ca.