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[Member Profile] Meet Jason Keddie from Royal Roads University

Contributed by Keith Webster, RRU.
Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.
I work at Royal Roads University (RRU) as a Senior Learning Technologist in the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies (CTET). I collaborate with a team of instructional designers and subject matter experts to develop courses, lead learning technology projects such as the selection and implementation of a new video platform, co-develop and co-facilitate workshops, and provide level-2 support to instructors for live courses. I enjoy coming up with optimizations to business processes and interesting technology solutions and improvements.
How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and/or ed tech?
I have been interested in technology since I was very young, worked in technology for over 20 years, and became involved with teaching and learning and educational technology in early 2015.
What’s one thing you really love about your work?
The variety of work, new challenges, and that the work ultimately improves the lives of our learners.
How long have been a member of ETUG?
My first ETUG was in 2015.
What do you like best about this community and its activities?
Friendliness and willingness to help others. It’s a great group of people to get new ideas from and bounce ideas off of.
Do you have a favourite ETUG memory?
At my first ETUG, everyone was very welcoming and happy to introduce me around.
What would you like ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?
Keep doing what you’re doing. You are all awesome!
Any special interests or hobbies?
Hiking, software development, diet/health, video games, and many things technology related.
Anything special you want to ask or share with our members?
Thank you to everyone for creating such a great edtech community!