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[Institutional Report] Justice Institute of British Columbia

Contributed by Naz Maghsoudi
2016 was another of WordPress projects and open projects, in addition to continuing our experimentation with new delivery models for the Centre for Teaching, Learning & Innovation at JIBC.
We started things off with a completely revamped CTLI website, which showcases our activities and provides information about the types of WordPress templates we are using for our projects.
We also hosted six faculty development events, including:

  • Best Practices in Online Content: Accessibility
  • Go Open: How to Use an Open Textbook and OER in Your Course
  • Cultural Diversity in Classroom

We also presented some of CTLI’s work at the Open Ed conference in Virginia, at DevLearn in Las Vegas, and at ETUG.  On December 1, we ran our fourth annual Demofest showcasing a record number of submissions.
Our first multi-access course (Project Management) was also piloted in 2016.
We completed the second iteration of the faculty development program with the University of Guadalajara, data of which are currently being analyzed for presentation in London at OER17 in April 2017.
In addition to ongoing applications of Storyline in our courses, the Center investigated and is implementing a number of new tools including Animatron, and H5P.
We collaborated with several agencies in creating a Fentanyl Safety for First Responders resource, which not only provides information on the safe handling of fentanyl, but also serves as a learning resource for our students.
And finally, we announced that we are halfway through completion of making our Law Enforcement Studies Diploma a Zed Cred through the use of open textbooks that we are adapting and creating.