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[Institutional Report] University of the Fraser Valley


Contributed by Maureen Wideman, University of the Fraser Valley

UFV Teaching and Learning Update

UFV Invests in Learning Innovation

The University of the Fraser Valley is investing $1.5 million to support new initiatives in teaching and learning. UFV is well placed to embrace the latest knowledge and technological advancements in the development of leading-edge and inclusive teaching and learning strategies that will benefit all students and, in turn, enrich our economies and communities.This investment aligns with UFV’s strategic goals, learner-centred vision for the future, and the five goals of the new UFV 2016-20 Education Plan. Updated classroom technologies, improved wireless, more active learning classrooms, and a Pedagogical Innovation Fund are among the programs to receive support from this fund.

Building Strengths Toolbox

UFV and the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology have put together an Accessibility Tool Kit for faculty and staff to complement the Building Strengths module. This online document is filled with resources and information to assist learning for students with disabilities. Please download the document to your computer and keep it as a resource to refer to any time. You can also print it and take it with you. The Toolkit can be found at:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-JvZcrIXRLtN3NkWXZVS1d2Z0U/view

Building Strengths Module

Described by the BC Government as a “strong resource,” the online module, Building Strengths, is now available at http://ufv.ca/buildingstrengths. Created in partnership with Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and UFV, this learning resource looks at how to make the classroom experience more accessible to students. Although it focuses on trades and technology fields, the learning gained from this module is applicable to any subject. It looks at universal design for learning, adapting practical spaces, cultural implications of disability, and inviting success. This module focuses on the whole student and provides strategies and tips for being more inclusive in our instructional practices. Those who complete the module will receive a Letter of Completion from Teaching and Learning that can be used in teaching dossiers.

Science Resources:

A collection of online Science Resources has been developed based on input from faculty in the science areas at UFV. By no means exhaustive, these excellent resource pages provide opportunity for faculty to share their favourite teaching and learning ideas and links. Credit is given to Judy Larsen from the Upgrading and University Preparation Department for discussing resource ideas with faculty and compiling the resource set. The Resources can be found at:  http://ufv.ca/tlc/resources-for-teaching-and-learning/faculty-of-science-resources/

Videos to Improve Accessibility on Campus

At UFV, we are dedicated to student learning and ensuring all students have the opportunities for success. Teaching and Learning created a series of videos designed to improve accessibility. These include: How to Create Accessible WORD documents, How to Create Accessible PowerPoint Presentations and How to Ensure your Event is Accessible. The videos can be found at:  http://ufv.ca/tlc/resources-for-teaching-and-learning/universal-design/

Renovations to Teaching and Learning

Exciting changes are coming to the offices of Teaching and Learning. Thanks to a government grant, Teaching and Learning will be renovating its space to improve office functions and provide a space specifically for faculty – a faculty resource centre. Renovations are to begin in November and should be completed in March.