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[T.e.l.l. January] Busting Through the Maze: Building and Supporting our First Mooc

TELL session bannerTitle: Busting Through the Maze: Building and Supporting our First Mooc”
When: 11:00 AM  (PDT),  January 26, 2016
Who: Sharon Hu and Ian Linkletter, UBC
Where: ETUG Room in BB Collaborate (Link below). If this is your first time using BB Collaborate web conferencing, see some great tips here.


Session Description

The “Massive”, “Open”, and “Online” aspects of a MOOC each come with their own unique challenges. Having just delivered “Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education” (http://pdce.educ.ubc.ca/mooc/) for the second time, the MOOC development team from UBC’s Faculty of Education will reflect back on key questions:

  • What sort of development process was used to create content for a new online platform?
  • What sorts of activities and assignments were used to engage students in such a massive course?
  • How was high quality multimedia developed, and what special considerations were made to accommodate openness?
  • How did a small team manage to support so many students?

The team members will share lessons learned from the design, development, and delivery of our Faculty’s first MOOC.


Sharon Hu evaluates and implements emerging learning technologies to enhance the learning experience. She has a longstanding interest in developing best practices for the hybrid learning environments and the use of multimedia in teaching and learning. Sharon managed the media production in the edX MOOC “Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education”.
Ian Linkletter supports learning technologies for the Faculty of Education at UBC, including research, analysis, and implementation of new initiatives. Ian helps design, develop, and support online courses and was the tech lead on “Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education”.