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[T.e.l.l. Summer] Agile Design: A Chat with Tony Bates

TELL session bannerTitle: Agile Design: A Chat with Tony Bates
When: 11:00 AM  (PDT),  Tuesday July 7, 2015
Who: Tony Bates, Tony Bates Associates Ltd.
Where: ETUG Room in BB Collaborate (Link below). If this is your first time using BB Collaborate web conferencing, see some great tips here.



Session Description

Come join Tony Bates and fellow ETUG members for an agile design discussion, built around Chapter 4, Section 7 and Scenario F of “Teaching in a Digital Age”.


Tony Bates is President and CEO of Tony Bates Associates Ltd, a private company specializing in consultancy and training in the planning and management of online learning and distance education.
Since the company was started in 2003, he has advised over 40 Canadian colleges and universities on their online learning strategies and has served nearly 100 clients in 30 countries. Clients include the World Bank, OECD, UNESCO, national ministries of education, and several U.S. state higher education commissions. He was also the visiting Chair of e-Learning Research at the Open University of Catalonia from 2003-2006
He has received honorary degrees for his research in the field from Laurentian University, Athabasca University, the Open University of Portugal, the Open University of Catalonia, and the Open University of Hong Kong.
His blog on online learning and distance education is read worldwide, with 30,000 vists a month.