[Spring Workshop 2015] Keynote and Facilitators
Keynote (Thursday Morning)
Simon Bates, UBC
Simon Bates joined UBC in the summer of 2012, and was previously Dean of Learning and Teaching and Professor of Physics Education at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland where he also established and led the Edinburgh Physics Education Research Group (EdPER).
As Academic Director of UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, he is responsible for the provision of academic support services to the teaching and learning community, and part of the leadership team of the Flexible Learning Initiative, a major teaching and learning transformation program at UBC.
He has published extensively in the areas of physics education research and the role of technology in enhancing learning. A recent paper presenting a study of nearly 1000 students (Int. J. Sci. Educ. 2014 doi:10.1080/09500693.2014.916831) showed consistent and significant correlation for students across 5 introductory science courses at three different institutions between degree of use of an online system to support student-developed assessment content and end-of-course performance.
He is a tenured Professor of Teaching in the Physics and Astronomy department and teaches on the Physics 101 course, a first year course on energy and waves delivered to 1700 non-majors annually. In the most recent iteration of this course, he led a project in which students created their own learning content and authored portions of the course midterms and final.
The anatomy of a 21st century educator – an incomplete but illustrated guide
Keynote (Friday Afternoon)
Paul Hibbitts,Hibbitts Design/SFU
Paul is a university educator as well as a practitioner and advocate of people-centered design. For over 20 years he has delivered successful strategies and design solutions through creating, leading and training for organizations such as SAP BusinessObjects, The Canadian Real Estate Association and The University of British Columbia. Leveraging this professional user experience design skill set with his extensive instructional background, Paul thrives on the challenges of learner experience design for today‘s multi-device world of connected learners.
Exploring Learning Ecologies: Models and Experiences So Far
Given that mobile access is now the new baseline, what is the next step for us to help better support our students in this age of networked information? For Paul Hibbitts it starts with anytime/anywhere access, utilizes a development process where learning and technology are complementary partners, and evolves into the support and creation of learning ecologies. With a learning ecology, learners have an environment and tools to help better foster their own growth and meet their individual needs.
In this discussion-style session, Paul will present a learning + technology development model and a learning ecology framework for group discussion and feedback. He will also share a recent course where he leveraged both of these models as he undertook the creation of a learning ecology for his students. Participants will be given online access to a set of accompanying resources.
- Tony Bates (Teaching in a Digital Age)
- Stephanie Boychuk and Melissa Robertson, VIU (Ditching Training Workshops: Building Learning Capacities in New Ways)
- Lannie Kanevsky, SFU (Using the Marginalia Annotation Tool)
- Ian Linkletter, UBC (A Technologist’s edX Case Study)
- BJ Eib and Daniel Nelson, RRU and Tracy Kelly, BCcampus (Faculty Development: It’s Complicated)
- Taryn Goodwin, Student (Transforming Institutional Hierarchy: A student’s Journey)
- Mary Burgess, Amanda Coolidge and Tracy Kelly, BCcampus (Open Pedagogy: Defining & Designing)
- Emily Schudel, Camosun (Let’s Collaborate: Considering, Designing, Developing and Sustaining Province-Wide Faculty ProD Initiative)
- Michael Pasckevicius, VIU (Mobile Technology Integration in an Applied Science Program: Forestry goes Paperless)
- Mohd Abdullah, TRU (Outreach Activities: Service – Learning Web Projects)
- Chad O’Brien and Gina Bennett, CoTR (Open the Box on Quality: An Open source Quality) Measurement Framework)
- Jessica Earle-Meadows, Janet Dhanani, and Erin Yun, UBC (An Integrated Approach to the Practice of Ed Development)
- Alisa Stanton, Rosie Dahaliwal, and David Zandvliet, SFU (Creating Conditions for Well-Being in Learning Environments)
- Susan Clements-Vivian and Jason Toal, SFU (By the Pen)
- Melissa Jakubec, Michelle Harrison, and Kelly Warnock, TRU (Intentional Collaboration: Moving Beyond Sharing in Higher Education)
- Afsaneh Sharif, UBC (PDPIE Framework: Online Course Development Quality Cycle)
- Janet Symmons, UVic (How do we increase universities support of Professors OER and social network use in teaching Practice?)
- Lauri Aesoph, BCcampus (Adopting an open textbook: It doesn’t need to be all or nothing)
- Gina Bennett, CoTR and Leva Lee, BCcampus (Virtual Reality—Real Learning: Hands-on with Google Cardboard)
- Valerie Irvine, UVic ; Micheal Paskevicius, VIU; Janet Symmons, UVic; Rich McCue, UVic; and Tanya Little, TRU (Mainstreaming Multi-Access Learning and Open Education)
- Melissa Robertson and Stephanie Boychuk, VIU (Digitizing the Toolbox- Taking Trades Programs Online)
- Brian Powell and Hope Miller, Douglas College (“A Chicken Every Pot”: Support Strategies for faculty going online)
- Mohd Abdullah, TRU (Yoga for Computer Users)
- Irwin DeVries and Tania Elias, TRU (Sensemaking in the changing world of learning design)
Poster and Showcase Session
- Accessibility Toolkit – Amanda Coolidge – BCcampus
- BCOER Librarians – Erin Fields, UBC, Debra Flewelling, Douglas College & Leva Lee, BCcampus
- ETUG! – Members from SCETUG
- Evolving Towards Open at JIBC (OER @JIBC), Tannis Morgan, Justice Institute of BC
- Imagine a world where marking student essays was fun – Daniel Reeve, Camosun College
- Let’s Re-imagine Faculty Development – Daniel Nelson, B.J. Eib, Royal Roads University & Tracy Kelly, BCcampus
- Privacy and Teaching and Learning: What do We Need to Know? – Denise Goudy, BCcampus
- Robots in Education – Valerie Irvine and Rich McCue, University of Victoria and Tanya Little, TRU
- Vancouver Maker Education/ Mozilla App Maker– Helen Lee, Justice Institute of BC
- The Web in Your Pocket: Distributing Digital Resources Using LibraryBox – Debra Flewelling, Douglas College, Gina Bennett, College of the Rockies & Leva Lee, BCcampus
Tony Bates
Tony Bates is President and CEO of Tony Bates Associates Ltd, a private company specializing in consultancy and training in the planning and management of online learning and distance education.
Since the company was started in 2003, he has advised over 40 Canadian colleges and universities on their online learning strategies and has served nearly 100 clients in 30 countries. Clients include the World Bank, OECD, UNESCO, national ministries of education, and several U.S. state higher education commissions. He was also the visiting Chair of e-Learning Research at the Open University of Catalonia from 2003-2006
He has received honorary degrees for his research in the field from Laurentian University, Athabasca University, the Open University of Portugal, the Open University of Catalonia, and the Open University of Hong Kong.
His blog on online learning and distance education is read worldwide, with 30,000 vists a month.
Teaching in a Digital Age
A new approach to teaching and learning is required if we are to produce graduates ready for the challenges of a digital age. In particular, faculty, instructors and faculty development staff need an easily accessible resource to help them in this task. Teaching in a Digital Age is designed for this purpose. This presentation will examine the main issues raised in this resource, such as
- what kinds of learning outcomes are needed in a digital age?
- what methods of teaching are most likely to develop such knowledge and skills?
- how do you decide on whether a course or program should be delivered face-to-face, online or in a hybrid mode?
- what are the pedagogical characteristics of different media, such as text, audio, video, computing and social media? How do you decide on which media to use?
- how do you ensure quality in teaching in a digital age?
Stephanie Boychuk, VIU
Stephanie Boychuk is currently working at the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning at Vancouver Island University (VIU). She joined VIU in 2012 during the transition from Moodle to D2L and is directly involved training and support for faculty and students. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. She is currently working toward an Online Learning and Teaching Diploma and a Masters in Educational Leadership from VIU.
Melissa Robertson, VIU
Melissa Robertson is a Learning Technologies Support Specialist at Vancouver Island University. She received her B.A from the University of Northern British Columbia and her Bed. from Vancouver Island University. After 7 years working in the K-12 school system, including 1 year teaching high-school courses in a fully online environment, she moved on to work at the Post-Secondary Level. She works with faculty and students in the use of educational learning technologies.
Ditching Training Workshops: Building Learning Capacities in New Ways
This case study will explore how the Vancouver Island University (VIU) Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (the Centre) effectively leveraged their existing learning management system (LMS), branded VIULearn, to enhance the development of their faculty and increase student competency. The Centre has created fully-online and asynchronous training for faculty new to VIULearn that is accessible, flexible and helps to build competency through scaffolding and modelling. Student orientation to VIULearn is also available fully-online asynchronously, allowing students to access materials “just in time”. Given the success of the student orientations to VIULearn, the Centre is also developing fully-online materials to help transition new students from high school to VIU.
Lannie Kanevsky, SFU
Lannie Kanevsky is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. She is also a Dewey Fellow in SFU’s Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines.
Using the Marginalia Annotation Tool
Prior to putting 75% of one of her courses online, the facilitator had her students respond to assigned readings in a printed “triple-entry journal” format in order to critically engage them with the texts prior to each class meeting. They would share and discuss their responses (journal entries) in small groups during weekly face-to-face sessions. She resisted pressures move this process online until she could find a way for students to interact with the assigned readings and each other with the same pedagogical richness and learning outcomes. This became possible when she found Marginalia, a free, friendly, downloadable tool that can be embedded in Moodle discussion forums. It enables students to select portions of a text posted in a discussion forum on a Moodle (a learning management system) and annotate it with their comments appearing in the margin beside the text they’d selected. As they had in printed responses, active conversations among classmates, the author of the posting and the instructor emerge as others comment on the comments that accumulate in the margins. The facilitator will demonstrate Marginalia, share student guidelines for this process, her students’ work, and if possible, have participants play with this Marginalia on their laptops (not tablets). In addition, findings of a small investigation of the nature and extent of students’ interactions will be shared along with lesson learned from the transition to online discussions.
Ian Linkletter, UBC
Ian Linkletter is a Learning Technology Specialist and designs, develops, and supports online
courses for the Faculty of Education at The University of British Columbia. With a background in library science, he researches technology and implements it to support outcomes-based flexible learning. One of his most recent projects was serving as Tech Lead on the Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education MOOC offered in edX.
A Technologist’s edX Case Study
The Flexible Learning Initiative at UBC has spurred MOOC development since 2013 across a number of faculties. Last year UBC joined edX as a Charter Member, and reflection on our first few offerings in the platform is underway.
In this session Ian Linkletter will share his experiences as tech lead on the Faculty of Education’s first MOOC in edX. The session will cover the project’s successes, challenges, and lessons learned as a case study, with brief thinking sessions in between.
B.J. Eib, RRU
B.J. Eib is Manager of Teaching and Learning Support, Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies at Royal Roads University. She has a strong background in instructional design and professional development with an emphasis on effective use of educational technologies. B.J. began her career as an elementary school teacher and has worked with educators at Indiana University and University of Calgary.
Daniel Nelson, RRU
Daniel Nelson is a Learning and Development Consultant that has been working at Royal Roads University for the past eight years. Currently, Daniel manages the university’s Moodle universe and technology products. He has a Master of Arts (Leadership) from Royal Roads University and is always game for exploring new technology. When he “unplugs” you will find him in the kitchen creating delicious meals.
Tracy Kelly, BCcampus
Tracy helps develop and deliver projects and learning opportunities related to
teaching, learning, and educational technology for B.C. public post-secondary faculty and staff. She works closely with B.C.’s Teaching, Learning & Technology Centres, and the British Columbia Teaching and Learning Council.
Faculty Development: It’s Complicated
Join us in a bold exploration & conversation. What is really working for us and what is not working for us with regard to our current Faculty Development offerings and plans? Now, let’s let the imaginations loose to tackle what might be the new best thing in Faculty Development.
Leave with new ideas and examples and ways of collaborating across institutions.
Taryn Goodwin, Student
Taryn Goodwin is a disability, social practice and visual artist studying within Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, British Columbia. She uses her education to question the social scripts of academia and to reframe within her art practice what it means to “attend” and “participate” within higher institutional learning.
Transforming Institutional Hierarchy: A student’s Journey
A collective brainstorm and team work based work-shop to build strategies of support for the physical and emotional learner as a valuable response within academia and curriculum design.
Topics of investigation: curriculum delivery as an art form, expanding the kinaesthetic and emotional learner into the every day, student agency.
Mary Burgess, BCcampus
Mary Burgess is the Executive Director at BCcampus. Prior to joining BCcampus in2012, Mary was the Director of the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies at Royal Roads University where she started the University’s first open educational resources project. She is a passionate advocate for Open Education and geeks out about most anything related to how people learn.
Amanda Coolidge, BCcampus
Amanda supports the development and sharing of open educational resources in BC. She project manages the adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER and provides technical and instructional design support for the B.C. Open Textbook Project.
Tracy Kelly, BCcampus
Open Pedagogy: Defining & Designing
Open Pedagogy is an idea that is now emerging and taking shape as strides continue to be made in the area of Open Education. To date, there has been a lot of progress in terms of resources (OERs), but what about learning design that takes leverages the potential of “open”, beyond the resource? The number of examples we have is small, but growing, and we need your help!
Participants will leave the session with a working definition of Open Pedagogy, and a handful of activity/course design ideas to try out.
Emily Schudel, Camosun
Emily Schudel is an Instructional Designer with Distributed Education, in the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Camosun College (Victoria). Her ongoing professional interests include designing and delivering professional development and training opportunities for instructors teaching with online technologies.
Let’s Collaborate: Considering, Designing, Developing and Sustaining Province-Wide Faculty ProD Initiative
I would like to talk to other like-minded folks about ideas around collaborating on creating and sharing faculty ProD resources/opportunities for teaching with technology/online technology (face-to-face enhanced, blended and online) which would be available to faculty at institutions across the province. The whys, the hows, and the let’s get something started!
Michael Paskevicius, VIU
I currently work as a Learning Technology Application Developer in the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning at Vancouver Island University. My role involves researching and deploying educational technologies, administering, developing and integrating elearning software and developing faculty competencies in the use of emerging technologies.
I got my start in higher education in 2005 with an internship from the Commonwealth of Learning which took me to Windhoek, Namibia. I worked for three years in information technology development in Namibia before relocating to Cape Town, South Africa to complete my masters in education technology. I am currently based on the west coast of Canada and pursuing my PhD in education with the University of Victoria.
Mobile Technology Integration in an Applied Science Program: Forestry goes Paperless
As mobile devices continue to proliferate throughout society, the question of how higher education might take advantage of these devices for use in teaching and learning remains unclear. While many institutions now have ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policies, others have mandated access to mobile devices at the program or institutional level.
The purpose of this session is present the case of how our department of forestry went about implementing a tablet initiative. The tablet was a required device for both faculty and students entering the program in September 2014 with the intended goals of reducing textbook purchase costs for students, mirroring industry standard practices in mobile device usage and enabling collaborative and active learning in the classroom.
In the session we will share what we have learned thus far in supporting the initiative and reflect on feedback collected from faculty and students in interviews, focus groups and observations throughout the program. At the end of the session, participants should be able to identify the challenges, issues and best practices for implementing a tablet initiative at this level.
Mohd Abdullah, TRU
Mohd is currently a tenured Senior Lecturer at Thompson Rivers University (TRU). He has been teaching Computing Science at TRU since 2001. His areas of specialty includes web design programming, databases and game design and development.
In Health and Wellness, Mohd is currently a registered and certified Trainer of Fitness Leader (TFL) in Yoga, an Advanced Trainer of Fitness Leader (FL) in Pilates and a Fitness Leader of Older Adults with British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). He has been teaching Piloga (Pilates & Yoga) at TRU since 2007 and at the Kamloops downtown YMCA since 2013. He also teaches Wellness Breaks at TRU.”
Outreach Activities: Service – Learning Web Projects Enhancing Student Assessment of Learning in my Web Design Programming Course 1
This session will be about the communities’ outreach service-learning web projects where I have collaborated and coordinated with local, regional and international non-profit organizations and small businesses to connect students in my COMP 2680, Web Design Programming I class to a final project for the course with an actual business client.
These outreach activities , where students in my COMP 2680 either create and/or modify a web site, has become a win-win for the organizations involved, Thompson Rivers University (TRU), TRU Computing Science (CS) department, and more importantly, students in my COMP 2680 classes since 2004.
Having students involve with such service-learning web projects activities parallel my teaching philosophy as “you have to be able to practice what you teach”. Further my philosophy is actioned in my curriculum by inclusion of the following three factors: Actual problem based hands-on learning; Effective communication skills; Foundation for life-long continual learning
My students learn to practice problem-solving, and critical thinking techniques for lifelong learning skills during the process of completing the service-learning web project with clients.
Chad O’Brien, CoTR 
Chad is an Instructional Designer for College of the Rockies and has expertise on how technology can support all stakeholders and the institute as a whole to achieve the college’s vision. He has four degrees (B.A. English, B.Sc. Physics, B.Ed. Secondary, and M.Ed. Information Technology) and a over ten internationally recognized certifications, (Quality Matters Peer Review, FDW, ISW 2.0, and MADA Accessibility Training to name a few). Throughout his career he has maintained a clear perspective on how technology works and fits into his professional context. He advocates that technology ultimately should solve educational problems and enrich the learning experience.
Gina Bennett, CoTR
Opening the Box on Quality: An Open Source Quality Measurement Framework
What is quality curriculum? Can we measure curriculum quality? What does a high quality online course look like? Is there a superior universal set of quality standards, or, is quality subject to the specific, program, instructor, course, institute and/or curriculum under measurement? What stakeholders matter? How do we weigh the value of student satisfaction? How can a formal universal “boxed up” quality measurement framework drive creative innovation that transcends current research and practice? Is it possible to have a flexible open quality system?
The outrageous growth occurring in College of the Rockies’ online learning environment is exciting. However, this rapid expansion of online courses presents a need for effective strategies to maintain consistent quality curriculum and delivery of programs and courses. As a result, a Quality Measurement Framework is being developed based on some of the following online quality rubrics and evaluation schemes: Quality Matters Rubric Fifth Edition; OLC Quality Scoreboard; iNACOL Course, Teaching and Program standards; CSU Rubric for Online Learning (ROI) and Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT) Rubric.
This framework is being incorporated into an online app, which can provide faculty with a tool to measure the quality of their online course against 40+ benchmarks in a peer review process that has the ability to involve students as well. The main goal of this session will be to have participates experience the app, provide ideas on its development, application and delivery. We are also seeking to recruit collaboration for future versions and adaptations for other institutions.
Jessica Earle-Meadows, UBC
Jessica has a broad background offering organizational development as well as curriculum, program, and learning design for higher education initiatives. She is currently the Manager of Process Design and Facilitation with CTLT.
Janet Dhanani, UBC
Janet has been coordinating the Formative CTLT Peer Review of Teaching Program over the past year. Janet brings years of experience mentoring teachers in their teaching practice to the Formative Peer Review program.
Erin Yun, UBC
Erin coordinates the Course Design Intensive and Partners at CTLT, and is involved in ongoing design and facilitation of educational development programming. Erin has worked with students developing mentorship and leadership programs in the context of higher education, and has co-authored an academic journal on Anti-racism and Anti-colonialism in Canada: Identifying Key Components of Critical Pedagogy in Film.
An Integrated Approach to the Practice of Ed Development (90 min)
Teaching and Learning initiatives, collaborations, and practices occur within various organizational systems, cultures, interpersonal dynamics, and worldviews. Process consultation (Schein, 1999) and human systems design are social technologies to address implicit, and often unnamed, forces at play – those cultural factors that constitute “the water in which we swim.” Institutional climate, conflicting agendas, unaddressed underlying issues, and unchecked assumptions are part of what process consultation calls “secondary processes” that can undermine success when overlooked.
Using participants’ prior knowledge of self, other, group, and system/environment this workshop connects participant pre-existing “know how” (Varela, 1999) in higher education to plan and implement for their own desired outcomes. This session incorporates principles from How Learning Works (Ambrose et al., 2010) with a process consultation approach to better support teaching and learning goals. A culture change approach to programmatic change or curriculum creation will be used to help participants practice process design considerations.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
● Identify what process consultation is and why it’s helpful to achieving goals
● Apply relevant process consultation tools to a current project or collaboration (e.g., a meeting, workshop, learning experience, curricular or programmatic reform, educational leadership, etc.)
● Use process consultation strategies to influence the implementation of a self-designed process
Alisa Stanton, SFU
Alisa Stanton has Masters of Public Health from Simon Fraser University (2010) and has been working as a Health Promotion Specialist since 2011. She has co-lead the Well-being in Learning Environments project and research initiative. Alisa also teaches a service learning course in the Faculty of Health Science at SFU.
Rosie Dahaliwal, SFU
Rosie Dhaliwal is a Health Promotion Specialist with SFU Health & Counselling Services and brings together her diverse experiences to create a healthy campus community at SFU. She has a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction which is an asset in co-leading the Well-being in Learning Environments project.
David Zandvliet, SFU
David Zandvliet is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon
Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada and the founding Director for the Institute for Environmental Learning. An experienced researcher, he has published articles in international journals and presented conference papers on six continents and in over 15 countries. His career interests lie in the areas of science and environmental education and learning environments. He has considerable experience in the provision of teacher development and has conducted studies in school-based locations in Australia, Canada, Malaysia Sri Lanka and Taiwan.
Creating Conditions for Well-Being in Learning Environments (90 min)
This session will present the Well-being in Learning Environments project, developed by SFU Health Promotion in partnership with SFU’s Teaching and Learning Centre and SFU faculty members. This innovative project includes an online resource for instructors and a research partnership to explore correlations between learning experiences and well-being. The online resource will be shared along with highlights from the research and key lessons learned from the cross-institutional collaboration.
This forward thinking project, challenges us to think about how learning experiences can be designed to support whole student development and well-being while engaging students in transformative learning.
Susan Clements-Vivian, SFU
Susan Clements-Vivian is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Interactive Arts and
Technology at Simon Fraser University. Susan’s research interests lie in exploring creative practice as pedagogy for teaching. She has designed and delivered large lecture courses based on her research into participatory lectures.
Jason Toal, SFU
Jason is an Interaction designer for the teaching centre at
SFU, and draws on a background in art, design and the internet to support faculty as they explore media practice in their classes. Jason designs innovative learning opportunities and creates open resources that enhance others visual practice, and enable sharing on the open web, and he does so with honor!
By the Pen (90 min)
This research takes the position that sketching / visual problem solving can be used to engage students in the iterative process of design during the lecture. During this mixed discussion and hands-on session, we will review our initial research and discoveries made. Participants will be given practical tools to integrate sketching into their own courses, regardless of drawing ability. We will discuss the use of various social media tools as a means to provide feedback on student work in real time. In an age where the screen and swipe interfaces rule, we look to the days when meaning and ideas were generated, by the pen.
Melissa Jakubec, TRU
Melissa has been involved in post-secondary education for over 24 years. She spent most of her early career as an English as an Additional Language instructor, teaching primarily international students the language and academic skills needed to attend university in North America. For the past decade, Melissa has been working as an Instructional Designer for Thompson Rivers University Open Learning. She is currently a member of SCETUG and a director-at-large for the CNIE.
Michelle Harrison, TRU
Michelle is currently a Senior Instructional Designer at Thompson Rivers University—Open Learning and also teaches courses in the Online Teaching and Learning graduate certificate program. Her interests lie in learning spaces, learning design, science education, online community development, emerging educational technologies and developing authentic learning experiences.
Kelly Warnock, TRU
I am Instructional Designer at Thompson Rivers University. I started my career in elementary education, teaching in the Lower Mainland, Japan, and England. In 2011 I moved to Kamloops to teach ESL and that led me to my current role of designing courses for the BC Centre for Open Learning. My Masters focused on educational technology and curriculum development, so I’m thrilled that I can bring my passion and research to the online courses at TRU.
Intentional Collaboration: Moving Beyond Sharing in Higher Education
In the education field, it’s not uncommon to share ideas and ask our colleagues for opinions on potential activities or assignments. We might also talk about the failure or success of these activities and assignments in practice. Similarly, in our roles as instructional designers, for several years we have informally asked for feedback or advice and even reviewed each others’ curriculum development projects. This has taken many forms, from simple editing to suggestions for media pieces to reorganizing content and even problem-solving on larger issues we were facing separately.
Because we valued and benefited from this collegiality, we decided to undertake a more deliberate collaborative instructional design process by pairing instructional designers on projects, including courses and program planning within the health and education areas. We will share our experiences with these collaborative processes from our initial planning meetings through the blueprint and development phases of online courses and programs. We will reflect on the challenges and rewards of including multiple viewpoints in the course and program development process. We will also address the effects of this intentional collaboration on these processes, as well as the viability of this model for future projects. Participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions, and be asked to consider how this intentional collaboration could be applied to their own contexts.
Afsaneh Sharif, UBC
Afsaneh Sharif is a skilled Senior Instructional Designer/Project Manager, and e-Learning Specialist. She is interested in implementing research findings into practice. She also manages the development and delivery of quality online and blended courses and projects at University of British Columbia. Afsaneh works closely with faculty members to ensure that course design and development meet best practice standards, and incorporatesappropriate educational technologies in facilitating and assessing active student learning. Particular interests for her include quality assurance, accessibility, community of learning, open education, MOOC and instructional/learning design.
PDPIE Framework: Online Course Development Quality Cycle
In this mini module/online resource, the model used for course development is a project team-based structure. The framework still can be used by those who have a “lone ranger” approach to the course development process. All of the resources can be used as they are, and are in development based on feedback received and ongoing research in the field. In this session, I will go briefly over the online resource and its component:
Janet Symmons, UVic
Janet Symmons is a doctoral student in the Curriculum and Instruction departmentof the Faculty of Education at UVic. Her three-paper dissertation focuses on the intersection of instructional design, open educational resources, and social network use in higher education. Her other research interests include motivation and barriers to educational technology, personal learning networks, and social connectedness in online learning environments
How do we increase universities support of Professors OER and social network use in teaching Practice?
Open education resources (OER) have been used by many educators over the last decade, and is becoming much more prominent as educators discover free online learning/teaching material. OER learning objects are often created and then disseminated by educators via social network sites (SNS). Sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, allow professors and instructors to network with students, subject matter expects, and peers, but more importantly, they allow the sharing of OER learning objects.
In this session participants will begin with exploring how/if SNS and OER interact, and then brainstorm on how to increase educators’ reuse, adoption and creation of OER learning objects and increase institutions’ support of OER and SNS use to enhance learning and teaching practices.
Lauri supports the development and sharing of open educational resources in BC.
She project manages the adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER and provides technical and instructional design support for the B.C. Open Textbook Project.
Gina Bennett, CoTR and Leva Lee, BCcampus
Gina & Leva are long-time education technology geeks with a fascination for
applications that are not only promising, but also fun. Leva is a Manager for Open Education Resources and Professional Learning at BCcampus, while Gina is Chair
of the Inspire Centre at College of the Rockies.
Virtual Reality—Real Learning: Hands-on with Google Cardboard
If your concept of ‘virtual reality’ is stuck in the days of the Viewmaster or even SecondLife technologies, you are in for a big surprise! The evolution of sophisticated VR headsets (like the Oculus Rift) has sparked a quantum leap in virtual experiences. Join us for this highly hands-on session – we can’t afford an Oculus Rift for everybody but we WILL construct low-cost virtual reality headsets & try out some of the VR apps utilizing your smartphone (bring your smartphone!!). Along the way we’ll explore the educational potential of VR for simulation training in clinical settings, dangerous learning environments, immersive language learning, imaginary scenarios (e.g. experience a historic recreation), ‘real-time’ experience in flying or driving. We’ll also discuss the ways VR could be used to support different learning styles & collaborative learning challenges.
Valerie Irvine, UVic
Valerie Irvine is a professor of educational technology and co-director of
the Technology Integration and Evaluation (TIE) Research Lab at the University of Victoria. Her work focuses on empowering the learner in both informal and formal learning environments through personalization, connectivity, openness, assessment for learning, and multi-access learning.
Rich McCue, UVic
Rich is a Systems Administrator in the University of Victoria Libraries system and is pursuing a Masters of Arts in Education with Dr. Valerie Irvine. His Masters thesis will be a mixed methods study to explore the relative effectiveness of a flipped classroom / project based pedagogy compared to a lecture based pedagogy for information literacy instruction. Rich is part of the UVic Speakers Bureau, and has presented at a number of higher education technology conferences across north america over the years. In 2008 he founded an open source project called OpenExpert.org. Rich also has significant web and mobile web app development experience using linux, apache, mysql, php, python, and javascript. Some of his other research interests include, flipped learning, open education, open pedagogy, multi-access learning, & gamification. To learning more about him, visit his blog athttp://richmccue.com
Michael Paskevicius, VIU
Janet Symmons, UVic
Tatiana Little RN PhD (in progress), TRU
Tanya (Tatiana) has been a nursing instructor at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC since 2009. Tanya earned her MSN through the University of British Columbia; currently, she is working on her doctorate, in Curriculum and Instruction, through the University of Victoria. A large portion of her education has been achieved through distance education, which fueled an interest in researching and supporting educational technology being used to increase educational accessibility. In addition, with the current and projected shortage of nurses, Tanya believes the profession of nursing could benefit by further research being conducted that investigates incorporating educational technology into nursing curriculum.
Mainstreaming Multi-Access Learning and Open Education
Multi-access learning, where online and face-to-face learners are merged in the same course at the same time, is gaining attention globally in both research and practice. Students have benefited from the affordance in flexibility, which can help provide equitable access to education for those with physical or mental health issues, rural isolation, job commitments, or other remote needs, including elder or child care. It is also a stepping stone toward adoption of open education, depending on the institution and instructors accepting open learners or other open collaboration spaces and back channels. In this session, we will ask participants to brainstorm how to support institutional change and explore the social justice issues at stake through a variety of case studies.
Melissa Robertson, VIU
Melissa Robertson is a Learning Technologies Support Specialist at Vancouver Island University. She received her B.A from the University of Northern British Columbia and her Bed. from Vancouver Island University. After 7 years working in the K-12 school system, including 1 year teaching high-school courses in a fully online environment, she moved on to work at the Post-Secondary Level. She works with faculty and students in the use of educational learning technologies.
Stephanie Boychuk, VIU
Stephanie Boychuk is currently working at the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning at Vancouver Island University (VIU). She joined VIU in 2012 during the transition from Moodle to D2L and is directly involved training and support for faculty and students. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. She is currently working toward an Online Learning and Teaching Diploma and a Masters in Educational Leadership from VIU.
Digitizing the Toolbox- Taking Trades Programs Online
More student success! More successful Apprenticeships! More time for hands on experience in the shop! Vancouver Island University’s trades programs are utilizing VIULearn (D2L) to achieve all these outcomes. Vancouver Island University’s history is steeped in vocational training and trades programs. Today Vancouver Island’s trades faculty continue that tradition using new and innovative practices to “digitize the toolbox and bring the trades online”.
This session will present some of the new and innovative practices the trades have been using for taking the theory component of the trades online, which allows more time for hands on practice in the shop. Many of our trades programs are blending their classrooms, creating more student engagement, a higher impact on student learning, and better retention rates (as well as pass rates). The new model of delivery theory online has led to better quality assurance, as many departments have seen an impact on success in ITA exam marks as well as industry success.
Brian Powell, Douglas College
Brian began his career in higher education by teaching in Canada and abroad in the 1990s. He then developed Computer Assisted Instruction and supported instructors using technology in the Faculty of Arts at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Online learning design and production drew him to work at Athabasca University for 7 years before returning to UBC. In the Faculty of Medicine at UBC, Brian coordinated projects to help the undergraduate program distribute their curriculum online and double enrollments in a 4-year expansion. He then designed e-Learning for the Canadian Forces and performance support for the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). Brian is currently working as an Online Designer/Trainer at Douglas College.
Hope Miller, Douglas College
Hope Miller is a curriculum development specialist with extensive experience in college/university curricula, human resource staff development, and professional certification. After graduating from the University of Ottawa, she began her career at CGA-Canada, progressing from project editor, editorial supervisor, to education manager over a 10-year period. Needing a break from the corporate world (and accounting!), she ran a successful educational publishing business for seven years with clients such as McGraw-Hill Ryerson, the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council, and CGA-Canada. From there, she returned to her true love—post-secondary education—managing the production team at the Centre for Online and Distance Education at SFU until 2014. By 2015, new pastures awaited her at Douglas College where she is now an Online Learning Designer/Trainer.
“A Chicken Every Pot”: Support strategies for faculty going online
Supporting instructors who create and deliver hybrid and online courses is a challenge at every institution. Douglas College has 3 online designer/trainers who support over 300 courses in Blackboard every semester. Brian and Hope will share their performance support model for meeting instructors’ 5 moments of need when transitioning to online course delivery.
Mohd Abdullah, TRU
Our bodies have been built to move! In our postmodern age we are spending too many hours in sedentary position, especially those hours spent in front of our computers. To counter the effects of this join us for ~ Awakening the Spirit Within ~ A 45 minute workshop for the practice of breath work, mindfulness, and a series of 20 minute office stretches. An experiential session that will promote a healthy kinesthetic environment!
Irwin DeVries, TRU
Irwin is Director, Curriculum Development, Thompson Rivers University. He
oversees the development and maintenance of a large distance and online portfolio of undergraduate and graduate courses and programs at TRU. His department includes instructional design, curriculum media development, course editing and production. In his role he is also engaged with the Open Educational Resource universitas. Irwin holds a PhD in curriculum theory and implementation.
Tania Elias, TRU
After five years working as an instructional designer and performance consultant in the private sector, Tanya has recently moved in the role of Manager, Planning & Effectiveness for Open Learning at TRU. Her work has focused on data-driven approaches to instructional design, performance improvement and analytics. In 2014, her team received recognition industry recognition for the results of their Scenario-Based Training. She is currently working on a number of projects at TRU-OL to develop baseline metrics and reporting that can support a more data-driven approach moving forward.
Sensemaking in the changing world of learning design
Much learning design is shaped by combinations of pedagogical theories and generally accepted ideas and practices that are prevalent in the field. At the same time, the field is being challenged by emerging theories of learning, alternatives to the traditional course model, and increased interest in the use of statistics and learner analytics intended to inform learning design practice. Participants will be invited to collaborate in discussing and clarifying these potential challenges as well as in generating ideas for navigating these seemingly diverse developments.
Poster & Showcase Session
Amanda Coolidge BCcampus
Accessibility Toolkit
Erin Fields, UBC,
Erin Fields is Liaison Librarian and Coordinator of Flexible Learning at the
University of British Columbia. Erin’s current work involves collaborating on a localized open online course on digital and information literacies, piloting an open badging structure across three programs, and supporting the flexible learning initiative at UBC. She is a lead facilitator in the BCOER Librarians group.
Debra Flewelling, Douglas College
Debra is the Emerging Technologies Librarian at Douglas College and a key member of the BCOER Librarians group.
Leva Lee, BCcampus
As the co-ordinator and member of the Steering Committee for Educational
Technology Users Group (SCETUG), Leva works with the Chair and incredible volunteer committee to organize the annual Fall and Spring workshops, T.e.l.l. webinars and other learning events and activities for ETUG. In addition to being a steward for the ETUG community and she is a lead facilitator for the BCOER Librarians group.
BCOER Librarians
Members from SCETUG
Tannis Morgan, Justice Institute of BC
Evolving Towards Open at JIBC (OER @JIBC)
Daniel Reeve, Camosun College
Daniel Reeve is the Chair of Social Sciences and an instructor of Political Science at Camosun He graduated from the University of Victoria’s Contemporary Social & Political Thought program with an M.A. in Political Science. Daniel draws from his hands on experience in Canadian politics. He has served as a senior political aide and public servant for the Province of British Columbia. A lifelong political activist, he helped organize and run numerous municipal, provincial, and federal election campaigns. In addition to his work in politics, Mr. Reeve’s teaching approach is influenced by has a background in athletics that saw him train athletes and mentor instructors and coaches. A consistently popular instruction, his passion for politics and love of teaching is evident in every class. Daniel lives in Victoria with partner and their two young children.
Imagine a world where marking student essays was fun
Daniel Nelson, B.J. Eib, Royal Roads University & Tracy Kelly, BCcampus
Let’s Re-imagine Faculty Development
Denise Goudy, BCcampus
Denise Goudy is a Manager of Collaborative Services at BCcampus with a variety of
responsibilities in her portfolio at BCcampus including privacy policy and impact assessments, collaborative projects and managing a few educational technology shared services. With over two decades of experience in the BC public post-secondary sector, Denise is a strong advocate for empowering individuals and groups to make informed decisions – whether it be in the use of technology or the identification of learning outcomes – knowledge is empowering.
Privacy and Teaching and Learning: What do We Need to Know?
Rich McCue and Valerie Irvine, University of Victoria and Tanya Little, TRU
Robots in Education
Helen Lee, Justice Institute of BC
Helen currently works at the Justice Institute of BC as a Senior InstructionalDesigner. Outside of her professional role she volunteers as Maker Education Chair for the Vancouver Maker Foundation. She is also a Mozilla Rep, Mozillian, Webmaker Mentor and mom. She is passionate about #makered #teachtheweb and always interested in #edtech #edchat.
Vancouver Maker Education/ Mozilla App Maker
Debra Flewelling, Douglas College, Gina Bennett, College of the Rockies & Leva Lee, BCcampus
The Web in Your Pocket: Distributing Digital Resources Using LibraryBox