[Spring Workshop 2015] Call for Proposals

“ETUG High-5: Survey says… ”
ETUG Spring 2015 Workshop
SFU Burnaby, BC
June 4 – 5, (Thurs. & Fri.; pub night Wed. Jun 3)
Deadline for Proposals: March 23rd, 2015
We welcome proposals from faculty, staff and students to facilitate a session at this year’s ETUG Spring Workshop!
We asked, you answered…! ETUG recently surveyed members about their Top 5 educational issues and trends in post secondary education(see: full report). The results inspired the theme of our upcoming workshop, as we wanted to invite further reflection and sharing on the high-interest, high-importance topics for people, right now.
Here were your “high-5”:
- Academic Transformation: e.g., disruptive technologies, breakthrough teaching and learning models, innovative organizational and inter-institutional alliances, learning organization, design thinking
- Faculty Development: e.g., rewards, incentives for participation, sharing innovation/best practices, supporting course re-design, effective uses of learning technologies, models of support
- Online + Blended Teaching and Learning: e.g., student engagement, retention strategies, quality assurance, evaluation of impact, business models, innovative course models, strategy behind online/blended learning, MOOCs, etc
- Assessment of Learning: e.g., competency based learning, badging, micro-credentialing, measuring student outcomes, etc
- Evaluating Technology Based Instructional Innovation: e.g., analysis techniques, evaluation of project design, using results to change campus practices, tools and methods to collect data, rubrics and evaluation criteria, etc.
Faculty, staff and students: We invite you to consider how your work, research, accomplishments and challenges can be shared with the wider community under any of the themes that emerged from the “ETUG High-5″ . We welcome proposals that:
- showcase lessons learned
- display innovative approaches to teaching and learning
- extend learning through inter-institutional and community collaborations
- help us to build sustainable practice
- invite us to share in your projects, plans and predictions for the future
All sessions are 45 minutes but we will accommodate more hands-on technology sessions or very interactive formats with a 90 minute time slot. Here are some possibilities, and we welcome your creative format ideas!
- Case study (45 min): Present a case study showcasing innovation in your, or your institution’s, practice.
- Thinking Session (45 min): Facilitate a thinking session in which you ask participants to brainstorm innovative solutions to challenges you’ve dealt with
- Panel discussions (45 min or 90 min.): bring together diverse perspectives around a topic
- Debate (45 min): formulate a proposition statement, and have two (people, or teams) debate it in a more-or-less formal way
- Lightening Session (45 min): a series of presenters tell us about their project within a limited amount of time (2-5 minutes)
- Show and Tell (45 min): You are excited about a great app, a project, or anything else you wish to show that will start the conversation in the session. Alternatively, you can invite others to bring their own items to show and tell (perhaps related to a theme), and everyone takes a turn sharing.
- Table discussions (45 min): on topics spontaneously generated from participants.
- Hands-On (90 min): Lead a BYOD hands-on/how-to technology session, or a mini-hack/problem solving session where the group solves a (technical, or other) problem together.
Share an exciting project or innovation from your institution at a poster session. The poster session is planned as part of the pre-dinner socialThursday June 4th, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm held at the Diamond Alumni Centre, at SFU Burnaby campus. Participants will enjoy drinks, appetizers and lively discussion around your posters. We will provide:
- A display board (4′ x 4′) and items to secure your poster to the display board (tape or tacks) or a window space to tape your posters to if preferred.
- Access to power and the internet and a small table for equipment, if requested.
Session proposals will be reviewed with the following considerations:
- Topic is of interest to our members, aligned with our themes
- Topic is forward-thinking, new/innovative, is transformative (helping us to move forward) or reflective (helping us to learn from our past)
- Format is interactive, participative, or activity-based in a way that encourages networking and active participation among participants
- Preference is for topics strongly relevant to the region (e.g. BC-based topics and presenters)
- Session contributes to the overall workshop program, reflecting a good mix of representation of the diversity of ETUG membership from large or small institutions, and across regions
- All artifacts from ETUG events are openly licensed according to the terms of Creative Commons 4.0 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/]. This includes photographs, audio and video recordings, and session materials
- Facilitators and participants are encouraged to post and share their work online. When posting to social media, please use #etug
BCcampus/ETUG is pleased to cover the registration costs ($150 + taxes) for session facilitators and poster presenters. Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered up to $700 for lead facilitators and up to $500 for poster presenters travelling within BC, from outside of the Metro Vancouver area. For sessions with more than one facilitator, expense coverage will be provided for the primary facilitator only. (Exceptions may be given for participants of a panel discussion.)
If you have questions about the Call for Proposals or the workshop theme, contact Leva Lee llee@bccampus.ca,