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[T.e.l.l. February Summary] Flexing Undergraduate Education @UBC

Contributed by Leva Lee, BCcampus

On Tuesday February 24th, Judy Chan, Jason Myer and Gillian Gerhard treated us to an engaging session on their work Flexing Undergraduate Education @UBC.
Judy started things off with an introduction to flexible learning and background on the UBC initiative. Then each of them talked about their roles as Flexible Learning Liaisons and how they work with faculty on incorporating flexible learning into undergraduate coursework. They showed us several project examples of how they have been exploring a range of learning modalities with faculty including variations of blended, the flipped classroom, online learning, and in particular, EdX moocs.
One of their most successful supports for flexible learning at UBC is the “Learning Tech Rovers”.  Learning tech rovers are undergraduate student co-ops who provide faculty with on demand learning technology support.  What a winning combination for both faculty and students!
In this session, Judy, Jason and Gillian talked about the evolution of their roles as Flexible Learning Liaisons, how they are supporting faculty in a more integrated fashion, communicating more effectively across work units and what their lessons learned are to date.
Thank you Judy, Jason and Gillian for facilitating an excellent discussion on flexible learning and for generously sharing your journey and insights with us.
Let’s keep the dialogue going on this topic. We can do it here in “ETUG Let’s Talk!”. Join us there.



Presentation Slides