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[Member Profile] Meet John Born of BCIT

by Gina Bennett, College of the Rockies

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.JohnBorn-smaller

I work for BCIT at the Burnaby campus, in the Learning & Teaching Centre (LTC).
How long have you been involved in teaching, learning and educational technology?
About 10 years. I started this line of work in Fredericton, where I was providing support for multimedia software & hardware at the University of New Brunswick. UNB started to use WebCT as a learning management system, & support for that just gradually became part of our duties. As LMS adoption grew, this grew into a full time position. But several years ago I decided I wanted a change, an opportunity to work in a larger teaching centre … Two years ago I started at BCIT.
What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?
I love the opportunity to work with a great team at BCIT, with people interested in teaching & learning AND ed tech. Everybody in our team has a background & a strong interest in teaching & learning. And I love working with instructors, with such a variety of skill sets, programs, & applications.
How long have you been a member of ETUG?
I’ve been a member for 2 years. Just joined the steering committee in October 2014 so I  think I’m the newest member of SCETUG!
What do you like best about this community and its activities?
ETUG is a very passionate, hard working group, providing great online resources & social media connections, as well as the face-to-face workshops. And the communication within the ETUG community is fantastic.
Do you have a favourite ETUG memory?
I really enjoyed presenting with [BCIT colleague] Ken Jeffery on transmedia storytelling. Actually the entire Unconference was really great.
What would you like to ETUG provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members?
Just more of the same!
Do you have any special interests/hobbies?
I enjoy sound design work for film, web, and animation. Really enjoy field and documentary recording. The most interesting things I’ve recorded include motorcycles, sports cars, and backgrounds that capture a nice rich audio environment. I’m also a musician (drums & percussion), am interested in fitness, as well as entrepreneurship, ideas for small business.