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Meet Barish Golland from University of British Columbia

This post is contributed by kele fleming, UBC and SCETUG Chair.
Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.
I work at the Sauder School of Business at UBC, in the Learning Services department. I’m a Learning Eco-systems Support and Solutions Manager. Basically what I do is work with faculty to not only solve their LMS problems (of which there are many with our version of Blackboard Learn) but also suggest ways of integrating technology in the ‘eco-system’ of learning applications we have at UBC. I also try to keep up to date with the latest educational technologies so as to find ways to integrate them into the learning environments we have. Specifically I’m working on projects with Learning Catalytics, PeerWise, WordPress-as-an-LMS, iPeer and Online BYOD Exams. At Sauder we manage in-class BYOD online exams for +600 students simultaneously using the BlackBoard Learn Assessment tool.
How long been involved in teaching and Learning and ed technology?
I’ve been working in education for more than 10 years, mainly as a language teacher, but I became fascinated with the potentials of Ed Tech and wanted to get out of classroom teaching, so I got a Masters in Ed Tech with TESOL from the University  of Manchester, England, and later worked as a freelance instructional designer and web strategist until I got my current position at UBC.
What’s one thing you really love about the work you do
I love empowering instructors and faculty to use technology effectively to promote student learning and engagement. I also like enabling students to learn more flexibly by exploring how to better implement multi-access, mobile friendly learning design principles in creating courses in the LMS and other platforms.
How long have you been a member of ETUG?
Since June 2013. I’ve been to 2 ETUGs!
What do you like best about this community and its activities?
I love the informal and friendly atmosphere, but also coming together to share our experiences in the different contexts we work in. I really enjoy the diversity of perspectives on education and technology that I can get from attending an ETUG event.
Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?
Earning achievement badges at the June 2013 ETUG at SFU!
What would you like for ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?
Perhaps break-out groups to discuss specific topics at conferences, such as using WordPress as an LMS for instance. Then that breakout group could follow up during the term with a separate meet-up perhaps.
Do you have any special interests/hobbies?
I’m running a Lego Robotics club at my children’s elementary school using the EV3 Mindstorms robots and programming software.; and Jazz Improvization.
Anything special you what to ask or share with members?
Can’t wait for the next ETUG!

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