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Meet Sandra Rogers from Royal Roads University

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.Sandra Rogers
I work in the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC where my job title is instructional designer. But its misnomer, I don’t design instruction – I work with faculty to develop learning experiences that are engaging and student centred whenever possible. I’ve also started teaching in the classroom again, after 10 years away. It’s both exhilarating and challenging to work with millennial learners who have grown up with the internet. It is such a privilege to be in a situation where I can put the research I’ve been reading about on social media and project-based learning into practice.
How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and educational technology?
This is my 29th year working in post-sec education – I landed a temp faculty gig at Capilano College in 1985 and stayed for 20 years. I’ve worked as an instructor, program director, media producer, course developer, photographer…..all within the education realm.
I’ve been using technology since my undergrad at Ryerson, where I learnt how to program multi-image shows and was introduced to Telidon. I lived the analog to digital transformation and am now captivated by the potentials of social networks and web2.0 tools.
What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?
Making a difference – seeing the “aha” moment happen for faculty and students.
How long have you been a member of ETUG?
Informally, since the beginning in ’94.
What do you like best about this community and its activities?
Lively discussions and willingness to share ideas and experiences are some of the features for me. I learn a lot from the workshops – it’s also a great way to meet up with former students and other folks I haven’t seen in years.
Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?
Spring workshop Merritt – the singing Elvises. Nancy Randall, Tracy Kelly and I opened & closed our workshop on authentic assessment by performing an Elvis number – sadly no one was taping at the time.
What would you like ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members?
Mentoring…maybe a more formal mentoring network that would go beyond the connections people make at workshops and in online sessions.

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