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Meet Lynda Beveridge from BCIT, Learning and Teaching Centre

Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 11.17.58 AMSarah Bowers, Langara College and member of SCETUG contributed this Member profile from Lynda Beveridge, BCIT

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.

My job title is Instructional Development Consultant which means I am   an Instructional Designer at BCIT in the Learning and Teaching Centre. Additional aspects to my job include supporting faculty with program proposals as well as curriculum and program reviews.

How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and educational  technology?

For about thirteen years professionally but another 6 or 7 as a parent

What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?

The communication with the faculty. That and the collaborative work with the other professionals in our centre. It is the team stuff that I like.

How long have you been a member of ETUG?

About six months

What do you like best about this community and its activities?

I have only gone to one workshop and I am going to the one in June, but I really like the opportunity to hear what other institutions are doing and the sharing of practice

Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?

No. Not yet.

What would you like   ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?

I don’t know what ETUG does entirely. But the workshops are really reasonably priced. I need to find out what else is available.

Do you have any special interests/hobbies?

I am a “professional student” doing my fourth degree in sixteen years. … so the answer to that is ‘no hobbies!’

Anything special you want to ask or share with members?

I am fairly new at BCIT so I am finding my way in my current position and just learning what ETUG might have to offer.  I’d be interested in hearing more about communities of practice and mentoring at a distance through technologies. There is stuff written on it, but it is usually focussed on nursing practice and I would be interested in how we do this in an authentic way for other professional practice disciplines.

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