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Meet Bruce Young from the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus


Janine Hirtz, elearning instructional support specialist at UBC-O and member of SCETUG had a chat recently with Bruce Young for this ETUG Member Profile.

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.

I am an eLearning Instructional Support Specialist at the University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus. In addition to helping support the UBC Blackboard implementation, I also support blogs, wikis, video as well as screen and lecture capture. I am actively involved in face-to-face support as well as delivering workshops to faculty and teaching assistants regarding the use of technology. I enjoy the wide range of areas that I have become involved in since starting at UBCO in May 2012.

How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and ed technology?

Prior to working in the post-secondary environment I worked as a teacher, technology coordinator and consultant in K12. I started using technology as an educator at the time Windows 3.0 was released. The answer to this question is going to date me. Now I feel quite ancient.

What is one thing you really like about your work?

This is a difficult question to answer because there are some many things I enjoy. At the top of the list are the faculty and staff at UBCO.

How long have you been a member of ETUG?

I became a member in the fall of 2012.

What do you like best about this community and its activities?

The willingness of members to share and collaborate is refreshing. It is incredible to have such a depth of knowledge and understanding regarding a wide range of technologies and their applications accessible with just an email or phone call. The fall conference was very informative and relevant to my new position.

Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?

Paul Hibbitt’s presentation at the fall 2012 conference entitled Mobile Learning: An Evolving User Experience Perspective was memorable. Great presenter. Great Content.

What would you like ETUG to provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input help you want to ask members to provide?

The conference format is great and I hope to be able to attend many more. I have always benefited from examples of best practice and hands-on workshops. Having access to both of these items would be beneficial.

Do you have any special interests/hobbies?

After moving from Winnipeg three years, I have embraced the Okanagan lifestyle. I am an avid skier and golfer and as well I enjoy cycling and hiking and most things outdoors.

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