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Meet Donna Hrynkiw from Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Donna-Hrynkiw1Meg Goodine, Manager of Learning Technology, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and a member of SCETUG had a chat recently with colleague Donna Hrynkiw.

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.

I’m the Web Administrator in the Learning Technology Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic  University. I support and maintain the workhorse applications like Moodle but also get to play with new tools and applications—the fun stuff!

How long have you been involved in teaching and learning and ed technology?

I’ve been involved with teaching and learning for about 3 years. Prior to that I was more involved in maintaining the institutional web services like the main Kwantlen website and Luminus portal.

What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?

Getting to play with new technology and figuring out how to make it work with and around the existing technologies.

How long have you been a member of ETUG?

About 3 years, around the same time I moved to the Learning Technology group.

What do you like best about this community and its activities?

I enjoy getting to meet people who think outside the box, those who push the boundaries of new technologies and then share their experiences with the rest of the ETUG community.

Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?

I recall a session a few years ago at UVIC where they had the giant sheet of paper on the wall for participants to share their comments, graffiti etc. — I’ve always been meaning to do this in our space at Kwantlen. Another presentation, I think at the same event, where someone talked about and demonstrated the contents of their tool-kit– all of the various cables, hardware, software, and tools he used on the job.

What would you like to ETUG provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?

Because I come at it more from a technology standpoint, one of the biggest values for me is the exposure to teachers and students and the teaching and learning challenges and issues they face. ETUG should stay focussed on the education and learning first, and technology second.

Do you have any special interests/hobbies?

Medieval history, knitting, bread making, thinking up jobs for my newly retired husband.
If you would like to share more about yourself in an ETUG member profile or  want to volunteer to interview an ETUG member, let us know! [see etug.ca for contact info]/

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