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Meet Ted Keating from Thompson Rivers University

Melissa Jakubec, an Instructional Designer with Thompson Rivers University  and a member of SCETUG had a chat recently with colleague Ted Keating.

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.

I am an Instructional Designer at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC. If you visit Kamloops bring your golf clubs in the summer and skis in the winter. I have a beautiful view of the North and South Thompson Rivers from my office window.

How long been involved in teaching and Learning and ed technology?

I started teaching with the Vancouver School Board in 1969. I was employed as a Mathematics teacher and department head at several schools in Vancouver. I have worked in the publishing business with Oxford University Press, Thompson Learning and a small company called Educade in California.
After teaching for several years I was seconded to the Open Learning Agency where I assisted schools and teachers in the implementation of The Learning Equation (TLE). TLE is a series of interactive, multimedia courseware products for the developmental mathematics and college algebra curriculum. The workshop topics covered effective strategies for planning and managing the learning environment, including: lesson planning for implementation, meeting student needs, expectations, note taking, addressing various learning styles, and assessment. I also trained lead teachers on providing professional development and support for colleagues in the implementation of TLE and organized demonstration sites for the program. While at the Open Learning Agency I started work as an Instructional Designer with BC Open University.

What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?

I enjoy the people I work with, the other IDs and the SMEs.

How long have you been a member of ETUG?

Since 2005.

What do you like best about this community and its activities?

I always enjoy the conferences and the contacts that I have made through the conferences.

Do you have a favorite ETUG memory?

I have enjoyed many of the workshops I have attended. I especially enjoyed Barbara Ganley’s keynote at the 2009 conference.

What would you like to ETUG provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?

Continue to provide the excellent and affordable conferences as you have done in the past.

Do you have any special interests/hobbies?

Golf, skiing, biking, floor hockey and others . . .
If you would like to share more about yourself in an ETUG member profile or  want to volunteer to interview an ETUG member, let us know! [see etug.ca for contact info]/

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