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Meet Wendy McElroy from Camosun College

This quick interview is part of a new Educational Technology Users Group series to showcase members of the community. This month we are featuring Wendy McElroy from Camosun College.

Tell us a bit about where you work and what you do.

I work at Camosun College, in the Distributed Education Department.  My job title is Distributed Education Technical Support Analyst…….though one faculty calls me the Queen of D2L.  That title is much more fun!  I’m the Administer for our LMS, Desire2Learn, and provide technical support to our faculty and students.  I also help support other online technologies here at the college.

How long been involved in teaching and Learning and ed technology?

I’ve been working in this role for over 10 years.  I must say the job, and the technology, have evolved over that time.

What’s one thing you really love about the work you do?

I love problem solving, and providing great customer service.  It makes me really happy when a student or faculty member contacts me with a problem or question, and I can help them out with what they need.  I get to work with people every day, and the job always has something new.

How long have you been a member of ETUG?

I first connected with ETUG maybe two years ago, I think by attending the spring workshop at VIU.

What do you like best about this community and its activities?

I like the user-driven feel of all the activities.  The workshops aren’t about what would look good on paper, or what SHOULD be presented on, but what is actually happening and useful for the members.  I like talking to people at other institutions to compare what we’re doing, and hear new ideas on how to do things.

What would you like to ETUG provide more of in terms of benefits/value to members? Any input or help you want to ask members to provide?

I’d love to see an active online community, a message board perhaps.  I know it’s been tried in the past, but without a lot of activity, it isn’t really useful.  It would be great to connect on an ongoing basis with other etug members with the same questions or issues that I was having, and communicate possible solutions.

Do you have any special interests/hobbies?

I run, play field hockey and field lacrosse, and am an avid knitter.

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