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[Spring Workshop 2011] Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

ETUG Spring Workshop 2011
Selkirk College,  Nelson, BC.
June 2 – 3, 2011 (Thurs & Fri, pub night Wed June 1)
Deadline: April 8, 2011
THE CALL IS NOW CLOSED. If you have questions, please contact llee@bccampus.ca

We welcome proposals from faculty, staff and students to present at this year’s Spring Workshop.
Open and free tools, resources, and learning opportunities abound, but how are we integrating them into our work? What new skills are needed? What challenges are we facing? What value does open provide? What are the costs and risks?
This Spring’s ETUG event invites you to explore questions in the following 4 streams. Here are some guiding questions/suggestions but feel free to invent your own!
1   Open, Free, & Alternative Teaching & Learning

  • Open Professional & Faculty Development: How do you choose which events to participate in?  What formal and informal learning opportunities exist and are the best?  How/have you and your colleagues given back to the educational community?
  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course): Tales from the field – what’s your experience in MOOCs?
  • Teaching & Learning in the Cloud:  Has cloud computing improved the way we share and collaborate?  How are you using the cloud to learn or to teach?
  • Open/Free/Alternative Assignments:  What are students doing besides traditional academic essays? Are students doing work “in the open”? What about assessment?
  • Alternative Formats for Presentation/Facilitation/Teaching Formats: Let’s talk about blends, baby! (synchronous/asynchronous)
  • Designing 4 Open? How/is this same/different?  What are instructional/course designers doing to design
  • Impact of Open/ness

2 Open, Free, & AlternativeTechnologies

  • Tool-specific: Moodle, WordPress, cloud tools…? Specific sessions on specific free/open and open source tools.

3 Open Educational Resources (OERs)

  • What is your experience with OERs? Are you sharing? Are you using others’ stuff?
  • What’s really going on with your OER project? Tell us more!

4 Open or Not?: Privacy and other issues

  • How are we dealing with issues around privacy in a world moving increasingly towards openness, sharing and transparency?
  • What is the impact of the recent announcements to privacy legislation for learning?  What are you doing/not doing at your institution because of privacy concerns?
  • What are the barriers of open, free, alternatives approaches to teaching and learning? Solutions/options?
  • Is our increased use of open technologies changing our attitudes towards privacy? How?

Presentation Formats include the following, but we are also open to suggestions:

  • Case study: Present a case study involving open, free and alternative approaches and/or technologies.
  • Demo of your work in progress: Are you in the middle of a project right now involving open/free/alternative tools and/or approaches to teaching? Share what’s working, what’s not, and get feedback from your participants.
  • Thinking Session: Facilitate a thinking session in which you ask participants to brainstorm solutions to problems encountered with open, free, and alternative approaches. Invite participants to design or create something together…(a MOOC? something we could all take away and use like faculty development/training materials? an open/free/alternative assignment? a grading rubric?  a policy? a strategy?)
  • Hands-On: Lead a hands-on/how-to technology session.
  • Other: Volunteer to organize and facilitate a spontaneous MooseCamp-style session, a panel discussion, or pecha kucha session.

*** Preference is always given to interactive, participatory, activity-based sessions – we want to play with you! Sessions are 50 min. or 90 min. (for hands-on /”camp-style” sessions)***
Expenses for Presenters at ETUG

BCcampus/ETUG is pleased to cover the cost of registration for presenters at the workshop and the cost for travel and accommodation for BC-based presenters living outside of the West Kootenays area.
We welcome your proposals. The deadline for proposals is Friday April 8, 2011.

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